Search for "GREECE" returned 8 matches

European Commission study on journalist safety lacks solutions while security deteriorates - Article

Media freedom groups highlight disconnect between report findings and ground realities

MFRR highlights threats to media freedom in EU Commission’s Rule of Law report - Article

OBCT and MFRR partners participated in the European Commission's public consultations on the rule of law providing updates on media freedom in EU countries 

European Media Freedom Act: the end of source confidentiality? - Article

The new European regulation aims to protect the secrecy of journalistic sources, the key concept at the heart of journalism, but actually risks legitimising its systematic violation

By Dimitri Bettoni

Originally published by OBCT. Also available in ITA

Renate Schroeder, EFJ: Why we need a strong Media Freedom Act in Europe - Article

An analysis by the Director of the European Federation of Journalists

Challenges to Media Freedom: A view from Europe - Academic Sources

Drawing on the findings of two projects awarded by the European Commission, the paper examines the sources of the threats hindering media freedom in Europe

Monitoring Media Pluralism in Europe: Application of the Media Pluralism Monitor 2016 in the European Union, Montenegro and Turkey - Monitoring tool

The 2016 report by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom raises significant concern for media pluralism in the 28 European Union member states under examination and in two candidate states, Montenegro and Turkey

Slovakia: Does Media Policy Promote Media Freedom and Independence? - Reports

In the framework of a project funded by the European Union – “European Media Policies Revisited: Valuing and Reclaiming Free and Independent Media in Contemporary Democratic Systems” – this study combines a country-based study with a comparative analysis across media sectors and media services in Slovakia

MEDIADEM 2010 Background Information Report - Reports

A report on media policies and regulatory practices in a selected set of European countries, the EU and the Council of Europe