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Search for "area" returned 12 matches

Turkey, earthquake fall out takes political turn - Article

The devastating earthquakes that shook Turkey on February 6 have uncovered a divided country, where many denounce the earthquakes as an announced tragedy. The government responds to the protests by tightening censorship

By Kenan Behzat Sharpe

Originally published by OBCT, also available in ITA

Monitoring Report - Mapping Media Freedom January - June 2022 - Reports

The current Monitoring Report tracks media freedom violations across Europe during the first semester of 2022

De-Europeanization in the Balkans. Media freedom in post-Milošević Serbia - Academic Sources

This article applies case study analysis to Serbian media freedom in order to verify whether the media sector is undergoing a process of de-Europeanization while the country is advancing toward EU accession

The Expression Agenda 2017/2018. The state of freedom of expression around the world - Reports

ARTICLE 19 report shows sharp decline in global freedom of expression since 2014, and a continuous decline over ten years

Demonising the media: Threats to journalists in Europe - Reports

The report surveys over 3,000 media freedom incidents documented by Index on Censorship’s “Mapping Media Freedom” (MMF) project since May 2014 with a view to outlining key trends and categories

M.L. AND W.W. v. Germany: Recent Developments in Judicial Balancing of Privacy and Free Speech Online - Legal Resources

Recently, ECPMF reported on a ECtHR case concerning the “right to be forgotten” vis-à-vis two convicted criminals. A more in-depth analysis of this case follows, including a look into the question of judicial balancing online

Freedom of the Net 2017: Manipulating Social Media to Undermine Democracy - Reports

A comprehensive study of internet freedom in 65 countries, covering 87 percent of the world’s internet users: Freedom of the Net warns that governments around the world have dramatically increased their efforts to manipulate information on social media over the past year

“Tackling Illegal Content Online”: A Step towards Full Legitimation of Private Censorship Online? - Legal Resources

On 28 September 2017, the European Commission published its Communication “Tackling Illegal Content Online”, raising concern about the risks for private censorship by online platforms and the modalities of its implementation

Judicial practice on Media Freedom in Russia: the role of the Supreme Court - Reports

An overview of the way a Resolution by the Supreme Court has shaped Russian jurisprudence in the areas of media freedom, regulation of online media, rights of journalists, and access to information

Monitoring Media Pluralism in Europe: Application of the Media Pluralism Monitor 2016 in the European Union, Montenegro and Turkey - Monitoring tool

The 2016 report by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom raises significant concern for media pluralism in the 28 European Union member states under examination and in two candidate states, Montenegro and Turkey