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Search for "central_america" returned 13 matches

Turkey, earthquake fall out takes political turn - Article

The devastating earthquakes that shook Turkey on February 6 have uncovered a divided country, where many denounce the earthquakes as an announced tragedy. The government responds to the protests by tightening censorship

By Kenan Behzat Sharpe

Originally published by OBCT, also available in ITA

International Press Freedom Groups Condemn Turkey Disinformation Bill Placed before Parliament - Article

Twenty five international organisations call on Members of Parliament to vote against the bill on “disinformation and fake news”, a law designed to criminalise the free flow of information. Turkish translation available below

Turkey: International groups call to restore Evrensel’s right to receive public ads - Article

Press Advertising Agency revokes Evrensel newspaper’s right to receive public ads

Turkey: growing digital censorship compounds press freedom crisis - Article

We joined ten other organisations in a mission to Turkey led by IPI. While the government refused the invitation for a meeting, journalists, civil society representatives, MPs and other institutions denounced an ever-worsening environment for Turkey's remaining independent press

Freedom in the World 2020 - A Leaderless Struggle for Democracy - Reports

2019 was the 14th consecutive year of decline in global freedom. Some highlights from Freedom House's annual report on political rights and civil liberties

CPDP 2019: Content regulation and its impact on democracy - HTML5 video

Internet platforms have become important fora of public debate, offering tools for increased democratic participation and engagement. The central role of internet platforms enables them to wield considerable control over online speech. Platforms effectively have the power to decide what content to disseminate and what content to remove. The same power is used to adjust content according to the profiles of users developed on the basis of their personal data. Recent scandals have shown that platforms can be misused as instruments of misinformation, propaganda and manipulation. Policy makers try to address the issue by regulating or by incentivising platforms to adopt codes of conduct.

Media freedom in Bulgaria - Article

The fourth of a series of thematic itineraries to explore the Resource Centre on Media Freedom through a curated aggregation of contents. The text has been kindly proof-read by Dr. Lada Price from Sheffield Hallam University - CFOM and AEJ - Bulgaria

Media of Lithuania - Wikipedia Item

The article Media of Lithuania  has been created and is now available also in Wikipedia. This is part of the series on "Media and media freedom in Central and Eastern Europe" and will be followed by other country-specific items

Freedom on the Net 2017: Turkey Country Report - Reports

Although Internet freedom in Turkey has been gradually decreasing over the last years, it went through a sharp decline in 2017

Media of Czech Republic - Wikipedia Item

The article Media of Czech Republic has been created and is now available also in Wikipedia. This is part of the series on "Media and media freedom in Central and Eastern Europe" and will be followed by other country-specific items.