Search czech republic

Search for "czech republic" returned 14 matches

Albania: Letter to Prime Minister Edi Rama from international press freedom organisations - Article

OBCT signed a letter addressed to Albanian PM Edi Rama in protest against a decision to ban journalists from attending press conferences after they asked challenging questions. Such an arbitrary restriction seriously affects the ability of the press to carry out its watchdog role. Albanian translation is available below

Bulgaria: police violence and public restrictions for journalists - Article

We co-signed a letter that the International Press Institute has sent to the Bulgarian authorities to express the concern of the consortium Media Freedom Rapid Response about restrictions and violations of media freedom

Media Coverage of Protests and Demonstrations - Legal Resources

A thematic fact-sheet by the Platform to promote the protection of journalism and safety of journalists of the Council of Europe that discuss a number of ECtHR cases on the media coverage of protests and demonstrations

Macedonia: Indicators for the level of media freedom and journalists' safety - Reports

Supported by the European Union, the Association of Journalists of Macedonia has produced a report which intends to assess media freedom throughout three main indicators 

Protecting the right to freedom of expression under the European Convention on Human Rights - Manuals

A handbook to assist judges, prosecutors, lawyers and human rights’ defenders in ensuring that all cases involving freedom of expression (FoE) are handled in conformity with states’ obligations under Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), as developed by the Strasbourg Court

Transparency of media ownership - Datasets

In 2013, AccessInfo mapped the existing regulations concerning transparency of media ownership in 20 countries: an exhaustive database summarizes the main findings

Training course: European Journalism in the Digital Age - Opportunities

The Center for Media, Data and Society at the Central European University (Budapest) and SHARE Foundation (Novi Sad) invite applications for a “hybrid-style” training covering the challenges for watchdog journalism in the digital age

Access to information in Serbia - Datasets

Commissioner for Access to Information in Serbia releases and timely updates 13 datasets relating to requests and complaints based on the Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance

Access to public information in the Republic of Macedonia - Wikipedia Item

The article on Access to public information in the Republic of Macedonia  has been created. This contribution is part of the series on "Access to public information in Europe " and will be followed by other country-specific items.

Global Right to Information Rating - Indexes

The Global Right to Information Rating examines the strength of legal frameworks and discrepancies in implementation in 102 countries across the world