Search european court 00 human rights

Search for "european court 00 human rights" returned 7 matches

The need to strengthen the protection of the right to freedom of expression and information through legal reforms in Italy - Legal Resources

On 23 October 2022, the new Italian Government, led by Giorgia Meloni, was appointed, following the parliamentary elections in September. In light of rhetoric during the election campaign and the programme of the leading far-right political coalition formed by Lega, Forza Italia and Fratelli D’Italia, which the Prime Minister is a member of, ARTICLE 19 Europe and members of the Media Freedom Rapid Response are concerned about the new Government’s commitment to protecting human rights

Bulgaria: the media, law, and freedom of information - Legal Resources

Interview with Nelly Ognyanova, a leading Bulgarian expert on media law, by Francesco Martino, OBCT

Insulting accusation of domestic violence - Legal Resources

By Dirk Voorhoof and Inger Høedt-Rasmussen. Published on the Strasbourg Observers, an academic blog that discusses recent developments at the level of the European Court of Human Rights. The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), delivered an interesting judgment in the case of Tölle v. Croatia about insulting allegations of domestic violence.

EP Resolution: Strengthening Media Freedom: the Protection of Journalists in Europe, Hate Speech, Disinformation and the Role of Platforms - Legal Resources

European Parliament resolution of 25 November 2020 on strengthening media freedom: the protection of journalists in Europe, hate speech, disinformation and the role of platforms (2020/2009(INI)). On 25 November 2020 the European Parliament adopted a very important resolution tackling many aspects of media freedom

SLAPPs: the Italian Case - Legal Resources

Strategic lawsuits threaten freedom of expression in Italy too: in this analysis, an overview of the situation, the threats, the chilling effect, and the bills currently under discussion in the Italian Parliament

European Parliament resolution of 3 May 2018 on media pluralism and media freedom in the European Union (2017/2209(INI)) - Legal Resources

After the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia in Malta in October 2017 and Jan Kuciak in Slovakia in February 2018, three MEPs promoted the adoption of this Resolution and continued advocating for anti-SLAPP measures and intiatives to protect journalists

Protecting the reputation of the council - Legal Resources

Athelstane Aamodt considers attempts by local authorities to protect their reputation and analyses a recent European Court of Human Rights ruling