Search european policy

Search for "european policy" returned 48 matches

Serbia, little security for online journalists - Article

A recent report by the Association of Independent Journalists of Serbia together with the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network analyses the problems concerning the safety of journalists on the web, looking at the specific case of Serbia, and suggests how to make the editorial environment less dangerous

By Ettore Morello

Originally published by OBCT. Also available in ITA

Blocking, filtering and take down of online content - Legal Resources

This document presents a non-exhaustive selection of relevant provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights, related case-law of the European Court of Human Rights, and other relevant Council of Europe instruments

Media Freedom in the Age of Citizen Journalism - Books

This timely book explores how the internet and social media have permanently altered the media landscape, enabling new actors to enter the marketplace, and changing the way that news is generated, published and consumed

Funding Journalism: Italy - Reports

This report is part of Media Influence Matrix , run by CMDS through a global research and advocacy alliance with the aim of investigating the profound impact that rapid shifts in policy, funding and technology are having on journalism today. Each country report consists of three studies, covering politics and policy, journalism funding and technology

Online harassment and abuse against women journalists and major social media platforms - Reports

A briefing by Article 19 within their activity on women harassment: a look at policies and practices of three dominant social media companies and their role in addressing online harassment and abuse against women on their platforms

EFJ free training: risk assessment for journalists - Training

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) as part of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) has developed this course to address individual journalists with the aims to enhance their personal capacities in making aware of operational media associated risks and provide them with practical tools and operational media field experience to mitigate those risks

Albanian media law: a letter of concern - Article

The MFRR partners and SEEMO are alarmed by reports that the Parliament will approve the media law package without respecting international standards. Here the letter sent to Albanian authorities:

Turkey must end the harassment of journalist Can Dündar and lift the block of his online radio - Article

We join PEN International and other 37 civil society organisations in deploring the decision to block Özgürüz, the online radio station headed by Can Dündar, a Turkish journalist living in exile in Germany, whom OBCT interviewed during a festival in Italy. Here the text of the call

IPSOS Trust in news sources 2019: a global survey - Surveys

Trust in traditional media is perceived to have declined over the past five years, mostly due to the spread of fake news. The lowest levels of trust are recorded in Hungary and Serbia

Report on the implementation of the Action Plan Against Disinformation - Reports

Stating that “the fight against disinformation must continue”, in this report the European Commission checks the progress achieved by the Action Plan against Disinformation, explaining how it helped deter attacks, expose fake news, and encourage journalists and national authorities before the European Election 2019