Search hate_speech

Search for "hate_speech" returned 25 matches

Blocking, filtering and take down of online content - Legal Resources

This document presents a non-exhaustive selection of relevant provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights, related case-law of the European Court of Human Rights, and other relevant Council of Europe instruments

Women harassment on social media: new tools to identify abuse - Article

A team of Columbia researchers is developing new computational tools designed to automatically identify abusive, offensive and harassing speech on social media platforms. Women journalists are asked to contribute to the research

Freedom on the Net 2019 - The crisis of social media - Reports

Freedom on the Net is an annual study of Internet freedom in 65 countries around the world, covering 87% of the world’s Internet users. It tracks improvement and decline in Internet freedom conditions each year.

CPDP 2019: Content regulation and its impact on democracy - HTML5 video

Internet platforms have become important fora of public debate, offering tools for increased democratic participation and engagement. The central role of internet platforms enables them to wield considerable control over online speech. Platforms effectively have the power to decide what content to disseminate and what content to remove. The same power is used to adjust content according to the profiles of users developed on the basis of their personal data. Recent scandals have shown that platforms can be misused as instruments of misinformation, propaganda and manipulation. Policy makers try to address the issue by regulating or by incentivising platforms to adopt codes of conduct.

GLASNOST! Nine ways Facebook can make itself a better forum for free speech and democracy - Reports

The report analyses how Facebook has tackled specific issues concerning political information and political speech, and then suggests nine ways to make the platform a better forum for free speech and democracy

Content or Context Moderation? - Reports

Robyn Caplan analyses three different types of content moderation: artisanal, community-reliant, and industrial, and highlights the tension between consistent decisions and context-based decisions

#TrollTracker: Bots, Botnets, and Trolls - Reports

The Digital Forensic Research Lab of the Atlantic Council published a post about how to distinguish bots, botnets and trolls.

Freedom on the Net 2018 - The Rise of Digital Authoritarianism - Reports

Covering 87% of the world’s Internet users, Freedom on the Net is a study of Internet freedom in 65 countries around the globe that tracks improvements and declines in Internet freedom conditions each year

Horizons of Hate - Reports

In this research report published by VOX-Pol, Matti Pohjonen employs a comparative approach to social media hate speech, comparing three politically different Finnish Facebook groups discussing immigration

Neutrollization: Industrialized trolling as a pro-Kremlin strategy of desecuritization - Academic Sources

This research paper, published on the Security Dialogue journal, identifies and discusses the practice of "neutrollization", a trolling practice aimed at neutralising civil society attempts to cast the Kremlin regime as a societal security threat