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Search for "italy" returned 19 matches

2024 Roberto Morrione Prize for Investigative Journalism - Reports

 Associazione Amici di Roberto Morrione has opened a call directed at funding the work of young investigative journalists 

Sara Manisera: the challenges of investigative journalism - Article

Investigative journalists, in addition to the risks of the trade, often incur libel lawsuits, SLAPPs, etc.. Especially if, like Sara Manisera, they deal with sensitive issues such as organised crime. We interviewed her

By Sielke Kelner

Originally published by OBCT, also available in ITA

South Tyrol, journalism of "curiosity, enthusiasm, and tough skin" - Article

The acquittal of the authors of an investigative book on discontent within the majority party comes in a local context where the rule of law is severely tested by the interweaving of media concentration, economic interests, politics and business, family ties, and various anomalies

By Paola Rosà

Originally published by OBCT, also available in ITA

Italy: Prosecutor issues seizure order for article published by newspaper Domani - Article

Italian press freedom is seriously threatened by yet another attempt by a member of the current government to silence independent journalism

Also available in ITA

Italy, journalism and the rule of law - Article

In a country where media freedom and pluralism are formally protected by a solid legislative framework, the ability of journalists to conduct their investigative work still faces several challenges. We discussed these issues in an interview with Lorenzo Bagnoli, IrpiMedia journalist

by Maria Francesca Rita

Transparency International Italia - Stakeholders

Founded in 1993, Transparency International takes a clear stance against corruption in over 100 countries.
Transparency International Italia is committed to ensure that governments, institutions, businesses and public bodies adopt all the necessary tools to prevent corruption. Their mission is to raise awareness among citizens on the issues of transparency and legality.
Through a work of research and analysis, Transparency International Italia tries to understand where the most critical points are and what can be done to solve in collaboration with institutions and companies.

CEI SEEMO Award for Outstanding Merits in Investigative Journalism - Article

The focus 2021 of the Award is Covid-19. One virus, many stories: investigative reporting on the socio-economic impact of the global pandemic

Italy: Access to information law should not override protection of journalistic sources - Article

On 18 June 2021, the Administrative Court of Lazio (TAR Lazio) ordered the Italian Media Public Broadcaster (RAI) to release documents held by TV Program Report following an access to information request

Italy: Nello Scavo and too many unanswered questions. An article for Mapping Media Freedom - Article

The platform Mapping Media Freedom hosts an article by the Italian journalist Nello Scavo, under police protection for threats received after the publication of his investigations about the traffic of human beings in Libya

Italian journalist beaten over reporting on alleged judicial corruption - Article

As part of the MFRR, IPI calls for thorough investigation into brazen daylight attack on Michele Santagata