Search luxembourg

Search for "luxembourg" returned 30 matches

ENRC sues public watchdogs: an attempt to curtail freedom of expression and jeopardise anti-corruption efforts - Article

OBCT co-signed a statement by Index on Censorship on the abuse of lawsuits by Eurasian Natural Resources Corporation Limited

Call for National Researchers in Europe - Article

Access Info Europe is currently seeking independent, country-level researchers for several European countries to act as national researchers for the first edition of the Global Data Barometer (2020–2021)

Council of Europe Recommendation on media pluralism, transparency of media ownership and media literacy - Reports

The Council of Europe has issued guidelines to its 47 member states in order to promote media pluralism, transparency of media ownership and media literacy

Media in the EU - a euro|topics dataset - Datasets

A dynamic tool to search media outlets in the EU member countries developed by euro|topics

INSI Casualties Database 2017 - Datasets

INSI’s casualty statistics are compiled by monitoring press reports of journalists and media workers killed around the world as a result of their job

Protection of journalistic sources is a basic condition for press freedom - Legal Resources

The new judgment Becker v. Norway by the European Court of Human Rights strengthens the protection of journalistic sources

First summer without extra roaming charges | Flash Eurobarometer survey full report - Datasets

The European commission launched a Eurobarometer Flash survey to measure the awareness of the end of roaming charges in the EU and the impact this has had on citizens’ mobile use when travelling within the EU after 15 June 2017

Fixed Broadband Prices in Europe 2016 - Datasets

This study provides comprehensive data on the 2016 retail prices of fixed broadband offers for consumers in the EU28

Broadband coverage in Europe - Datasets

Europe-wide overview and country comparisons on broadband coverage across Europe

Monitoring Media Pluralism in Europe: Application of the Media Pluralism Monitor 2016 in the European Union, Montenegro and Turkey - Monitoring tool

The 2016 report by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom raises significant concern for media pluralism in the 28 European Union member states under examination and in two candidate states, Montenegro and Turkey