Search political pressure

Search for "political pressure" returned 6 matches

EDRI against the #CensorshipMachine - Campaigns

Article 13 of the Copyright Directive Proposal might affect freedom of speech on the Internet. EDRI is launching a campaign to put pressure on the MEPs who are expected to vote on March 26 and 27

Stop Funding Hate - Campaigns

A campaign against hate speech in media and politics

Turkey: Journalism is Not a Crime! - Campaigns

Journalists campaign against the ever-increasing pressure on the press in Turkey with a new initiative named “I’am a Journalist”.

Protect foreign journalists from German intelligence surveillance - Campaigns

Germany wants to pass a bill which allows intelligence to control foreign journalist

A Switzerland of bits, a Safe Haven - Campaigns

A crowdfunding campaign to support International Modern Media Institute: based in Iceland, it is tasked with drafting the best possible laws for a "journalism Safe Haven" in Iceland

RSF #Protectjournalists Campaign - Campaigns

A worldwide coalition of NGOs, media outlets, journalists and prominent public figures are supporting Reporters Without Borders (RSF) initiative for the creation of a Special Representative to the United Nations Secretary General for the safety of journalists