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Search for "safety_of_journalists" returned 17 matches

Politics and hate speech in the Turkish media - Article

During the elections that have just ended in Türkiye, the candidates used a discriminating and aggressive discourse. We talked about it with Yasemin Korkmaz, coordinator of the hate speech monitoring campaign in Türkiye at the Hrant Dink Foundation

By Francesco Brusa

Originally published by OBCT, also available in ITA

The Chilling: Global trends in online violence against women journalists - Reports

“First, I’m attacked for being a journalist, second I’m attacked for being a woman" (Maria Ressa). Women journalists are now more exposed to online violence than ever. Women journalists are both the primary targets of online violence and the first responders to it

Croatia: Smear campaign against journalist Anja Kožul, protection needed - Article

As part of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR), the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the International Press Institute (IPI) and the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) condemn the smear campaign against Serbian journalist from Croatia Anja Kožul and call for her protection

Online Abuse Now Commonplace for Balkan Women Reporters - Reports

Reflecting the global trend, female journalists in the Balkans are more often attacked online than their male colleagues: an investigation with dozens of interviews and comments and an open platform to collect stories of attacks, harassment and threats, reports of a worrying picture where women are also left alone facing intimidation and its psychological impact

Feindbild Journalist - Reports

Feindbild Journalist by ECPMF reports on the physical attacks journalists faced in Germany in 2018. It also compares the results with the analyses carried out in the previous years

Attacks and Harassment. The Impact on Female Journalists and Their Reporting - Reports

Journalists and other media workers face a range of digital and physical threats that threaten freedom of expression. Based on the findings of a global survey, this report provides an examination into the professional dangers of being a female journalist today. 

Hate speech: what it is and how to contrast it - Article

The third of a series of thematic itineraries to explore the Resource Centre on Media Freedom through a curated aggregation of contents. 

Call for Applications: Regulating “Hate Speech” in the Media - Opportunities

ARTICLE 19 is inviting applications from representatives of audio-visual media regulatory bodies and press councils from across the European Union to participate in a two-day workshop in London on international legal standards on regulating hate speech in the media

Protecting the right to freedom of expression under the European Convention on Human Rights - Manuals

A handbook to assist judges, prosecutors, lawyers and human rights’ defenders in ensuring that all cases involving freedom of expression (FoE) are handled in conformity with states’ obligations under Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), as developed by the Strasbourg Court

Special report on the status and cases of threats against journalists in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Reports

A report by the Human Rights Ombudsman of BiH highlights the extremely difficult working conditions of journalists in Bosnia and Herzegovina and recommends possible ways to tackle the problems that range from serious economic difficulties to attacks and online harassment