Search trust_in_media

Search for "trust_in_media" returned 4 matches

Stars4Media NEWS: call for projects - Article

The third edition of the Stars4Media programme will help media organisations to transform business and newsroom: submissions deadline 30 June for opportunities to exchange best practices with other media and top experts, to gain international experience and benefit from high impact transformation

Building Trust in Media in South East Europe and Turkey – Phase 2 - Article

The Ethical Journalism Network (EJN), in partnership with UNESCO and supported by the European Union (EU), has been implementing the Building Trust in Media in South East Europe (SEE) and Turkey since 2016. The role of the EJN in Phase 2 is to support the media outlets in South East Europe and Turkey to perform a self-assessment exercise of their commitment to good governance and ethical and professional standards

Stars4Media Second Edition - Article

Developed by the media and for the media, and co-funded by the EU, Stars4Media is supporting collaborative initiatives developed by at least two media organisations from two different EU countries. These initiatives should contribute to innovation in new editorial products and formats, emerging technologies or other innovations at the organisational level

EFJ Online Seminar “Trust in media: Audience Engagement & Artificial Intelligence” - Article

Deadline 7 February to register to the online workshops planned for the end of March organized by the European Federation of Journalists