
9 results

Case Law, EU: RT France v. Council: General Court finds ban on Russia Today not a violation of the right to freedom of expression - Legal Resources

Throughout this article, Ronan Ó Fathaigh and Dirk Voorhoof, both legal scholars with expertise in freedom of expression, examine the decision of the General Court of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the case RT France v. Council

Bulgaria: the media, law, and freedom of information - Legal Resources

Interview with Nelly Ognyanova, a leading Bulgarian expert on media law, by Francesco Martino, OBCT

Albania, the controversial media law - Legal Resources

Concerns persist over the approval of the new package of amendments aimed at modifying two important laws on the Albanian media, the so-called "anti-defamation package"

Media Coverage of Protests and Demonstrations - Legal Resources

A thematic fact-sheet by the Platform to promote the protection of journalism and safety of journalists of the Council of Europe that discuss a number of ECtHR cases on the media coverage of protests and demonstrations

Vexatious cases hindering investigative journalism in Italy - Legal Resources

Frivolous legal cases against investigative journalists are often deployed as a strategy to silence them, ultimately seeking to hinder their work. A legal analysis on three cases involving defamation charges against Italian journalist Amalia De Simone

Media before Serbian Courts: A Struggle to Reach European Standards - Legal Resources

In the field of the media law, Serbian courts are reluctant to adapt to European Court of Human Rights case-law. Serbian NGO YUCOM identified a number of gaps in the jurisprudence and formulated recommendations to address them

Lithuania Criticised After ECHR Ruling on Russia's 'Homosexual Propaganda' Law - Legal Resources

Following the condemnation of Russia's "propaganda law" by the Court of Strasbourg, a representative of the European Parliament urged the European Commission to review similar regulations in Lithuania

Protection of business secrets does not rule out the right of the press to be informed by government - Legal Resources

On 25 March 2015 the Federal Administrative Court of Germany in Leipzig ruled that representatives of the press can demand information about facts that protect business secrets from government agencies, if their right to be informed outweighs the interest of business secret protection.

Reform of the Republic of Armenia Law on Television and Radio - Legal Resources

This report analyses the Law on Making Amendments and Supplements to the Republic of Armenia Law on Television and Radio of December 2015, implemented to prepare for the country's digital switchover