
18 results

Research and editorial visiting fellowship at OBCT - Opportunities

In collaboration with CMPF Summer School for Journalists and Media Practitioners, OBCT offers several research and editorial visiting fellowships

Berlin Scholarship Program: Empowering Journalists in the Digital Field - Opportunities

Reporters Without Borders Germany invites journalists from war zones and crisis areas to Berlin for three to four months, to enjoy a break and complete a comprehensive training program in digital security issues

Journalism for Future Challenges 2018 Program - Opportunities

An opportunity for early career journalists from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia, or Ukraine who are looking to expand their investigative reporting skills, with a focus on organised crime and corruption, as well as their professional network

Investigative Journalism for Europe #IJ4EU - Opportunities

Cross-border teams of journalists and media outlets can apply by May 3 for up to €50,000 grants to investigate issues such as corruption, financial crime, human rights abuses and environmental damage.

Award for Investigative Journalism in Serbia - Opportunities

The Independent Association of Journalists of Serbia (NUNS), in cooperation with the US Embassy in Belgrade seeks nominations for awards to excellence in investigative journalism

Call for papers: Competition, Regulation and Pluralism in the Online World - Opportunities

Call for papers to be published in a special issue of the European Competition and Regulatory Law Review. Deadline 31 January 2018

Applications for journalism micro-grants in Turkey - Opportunities

Awards from the International Press Institute (IPI) for content analysing impact pressure on press freedom has on other aspects of Turkish society

2018 Columbia Global Freedom of Expression prize - Opportunities

Judicial decisions and legal services that strengthen freedom of expression worldwide are eligible for the Columbia University awards

Job: Europe correspondent for CPJ - Opportunities

The Committee to Protect Journalists is recruiting a part-time correspondent to cover media freedom in the EU member and candidate countries

Council of Europe seeks comments on draft recommendations - Opportunities

The Council of Europe seeks comments on draft recommendations about transparency of media ownership and the role of internet intermediaries