Indexes, surveys and datasets on different aspects impacting media freedom and pluralism across Europe. The contents of this section can be browsed using the menu on the left, filtering results on the basis of the type of data and topics


Freedom House - Freedom of the Net

An annual study of internet freedom providing detailed assessment of key development in the digital realm for 65 countries across the world


Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2020

An interactive tool to browse and compare data from the 2020 Reuters Institute Digital News Report 


IPSOS Trust in media 2019
IPSOS Trust in news sources 2019: a global survey

Trust in traditional media is perceived to have declined over the past five years, mostly due to the spread of fake news. The lowest levels of trust are recorded in Hungary and Serbia

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French Press: Who Owns What
French Press: Who Owns What

An infographic by Marie Beyer & Jérémie Fabre for Le Monde diplomatique highlights media ownership structure in France 


Media ownership: towards Pan-European groups?
Media ownership: towards Pan-European groups?

A publication of the European Audiovisual Observatory shows how few media companies are controlling large part of broadcasting market in Europe


Deutsche Welle: Media freedom navigator

The Media Freedom Navigator, developed by Deutsche Well, provides an overview of different media freedom indices