Reports and papers

Analyses on specific aspects related to press and media freedom, performed and published by research centres, non-governmental organizations and public bodies

Out of balance. Defamation law in the European Union: A comparative overview for journalists, civil society and policymakers

In this report, the International Press Institute (IPI) presents the findings from its in depth research on defamation law and practice in the European Union

read more Defamation and Libel EU Member States

Out of balance. Perceptions survey on EU defamation laws and their effect on press freedom: Results and analysis

This report presents the findings of a “perceptions survey”, carried out by the International Press Institute (IPI) to assess the impact of the European Union’s defamation laws on journalists, editors and media executives

read more Defamation and Libel European policies and legislation EU Member States

Slovenia – 2014 SEEMO Media Report

The 2014 report by SEEMO on the state of media and media freedom in Slovenia highlights the effects of the economic and political crisies on media freedom in the country

read more Slovenia Public broadcasting

Monitoring Media Pluralism in Europe: Testing and Implementation of the Media Pluralism Monitor 2014

The Monitoring Media Pluralism 2014 is a measurement tool updating and testing previous monitoring tools, designed to assess the risks to media pluralism in EU member states

read more EU Member States Media pluralism Media literacy Italy United Kingdom Belgium Bulgaria Denmark Estonia France Greece Hungary

Belgium - Media Pluralism Monitor 2014

The MPM 2014 report shows a low/medium risk for Belgium Media Pluralism, particularly relating to the economic dimension

read more Belgium Media pluralism Media freedom

Freedom on the net 2014

The report Freedom of the net 2014, by Freedom House, reveals how internet freedom around the world has declined for the fourth consecutive year, with a growing number of countries introducing online censorship and monitoring practices

read more Censorship Defamation and Libel Media Law Worldwide Armenia Azerbaijan Georgia Estonia France Germany Turkey Hungary Iceland Italy Russia Ukraine United Kingdom

Journalism in the Era of Big Data: Cases, Concepts and Critiques - Introduction

This open-access article introduces the Special Issue of Digital Journalism (Volume 3, Issue 3, 2015), focusing on Journalism In An Era Of Big Data

read more Big data

Clarifying Journalism’s Quantitative Turn - A typology for evaluating data journalism, computational journalism, and computer-assisted reporting

This open-access article defines and compares three quantitative forms of journalism—computer-assisted reporting, data journalism, and computational journalism—examining the points of overlap and divergence among their journalistic values and practices

read more Big data Data journalism

Influence on the media: Owners, politicians and advertisers

This report, published by the Conrad Adenauer Stiftung in Bulgarian, German and English, focuses on relationships of dependence in the Bulgarian media landscape

read more Censorship Media ownership Bulgaria