Reports and papers

Analyses on specific aspects related to press and media freedom, performed and published by research centres, non-governmental organizations and public bodies

Watchdogs Under Watch: Media in the Age of Cyber Surveillance

In this report CIMA examines the relation between cyber surveillance and the limits to privacy and freedom of expression, highlighting the delay of legal regulations in this field

read more Freedom of expression Surveillance Media Law Digital safety Worldwide

Reporting on Gender-based Violence in the Syria Crisis: A Journalist's Handbook

The Regional Syria Response Hub of United Nation Population Fund (UNFPA) has developed a handbook for journalists covering gender-based violence

read more Media and gender Ethics of journalism

Report on Ownership Structure and Control over Media in Serbia

The Anti-Corruption Council of the Serbian Government has analyzed the media ownership structure and the most significant models of control over media in the period 2011-2014

read more Serbia Media ownership Media funding

Lies, Damn Lies and Viral Content

How do news sites handle online rumors, unverified news, and viral content? Craig Silverman discusses what we know, what journalists are doing, and what they should do

read more Fake news and disinformation Online news Online media Social media Fact-checking Business model Americas

Bulgarians feel badly informed by media and politicians

The 2015 survey on citizen's trust in media in Bulgaria, produced by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) presents findings related to the perception of media and media communication by politicians and state institutions on the other hand

read more Trust in media Bulgaria

Journalism, Moral Panic and the Public Interest - The case of Sharleen Spiteri

This article explores notions of the public interest in the context of a particular case study, that of Sharleen Spiteri, which raises some important and difficult questions for the ethical practice of journalism.

read more Ethics of journalism

Freedom House – Slovakia Country Report 2015

Freedom House yearly report on press freedom in Slovakia provides a synthetic overview of media freedom in the country during 2014, highlighting main trends and developments

read more Media freedom Freedom of expression Media ownership Access to information Media pluralism Safety of journalists Slovakia

Protection of media freedom in Europe

This 2015 report on media freedom shades light on the deterioration of the safety of journalists and media freedom in Europe

read more Media freedom European policies and legislation Council of Europe Member States Safety of journalists

Gasping for air. Soft censorship in the Hungarian media in 2014

The report by Mertek Media Monitor unveils how state control over Hungarian media is unfolding “slowly but surely”, and how it is exerted in particular through strategic allocation of state advertising, which influences market competition and editorial policies

read more Public broadcasting Media funding Media Law Hungary