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Turkey: International groups condemn broadcast regulator role in punishing critical reporting ahead of elections - Article

OBCT joins press freedom and human rights organizations in condemning Turkey's broadcast regulator (RTÜK) for fining broadcasters for their critical reporting ahead of elections

Turkey: International delegation condemns passage of disinformation law and calls for protection of journalists ahead of 2023 elections - Article

This week, seven media freedom, journalism, and human rights organisations met with key stakeholders in Turkey to discuss Turkey’s media freedom crisis

International Press Freedom Groups Condemn Turkey Disinformation Bill Placed before Parliament - Article

Twenty five international organisations call on Members of Parliament to vote against the bill on “disinformation and fake news”, a law designed to criminalise the free flow of information. Turkish translation available below

Turkey: Twenty journalists including TGS leadership blacklisted by police - Article

The partner organisations of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) expressed solidarity with the twenty journalists blacklisted by the Turkish General Directorate of Security (EGM) for their writing and joined the Journalists Union of Turkey (TGS) in denouncing an apparent attempt to intimidate independent journalists and trade unionists

Turkey: International groups call to restore Evrensel’s right to receive public ads - Article

Press Advertising Agency revokes Evrensel newspaper’s right to receive public ads

Turkey: international groups call on parliament to reject the “disinformation” bill as a tool of digital censorship - Article

Law designed to expand censorship online and criminalize free flow of information

Turkey: growing digital censorship compounds press freedom crisis - Article

We joined ten other organisations in a mission to Turkey led by IPI. While the government refused the invitation for a meeting, journalists, civil society representatives, MPs and other institutions denounced an ever-worsening environment for Turkey's remaining independent press

Turkey: CFWIJ demands action to end police brutality against journalists - Article

The Coalition for Women in Journalism launches a petition that recognizes police violence in Turkey as one of the most urgent issues

Turkey: SLAPP lawsuit filed against academic over Paradise Papers tweet - Article

NGOs and journalists’ organisations call for the dropping of a lawsuit launched against the academic Prof Yaman Akdeniz by Serhat Albayrak, seeking 100,000 Turkish lira (€9,600) in damages for his tweets about the censorship of reports into the criminal investigations and civil lawsuits against journalists who reported on the Paradise Papers

Media Freedom in Turkey - Article

The seventh of a series of thematic itineraries to explore the Resource Centre on Media Freedom through a curated aggregation of contents