Search western_balkans

Search for "western_balkans" returned 154 matches

Mapping structural conditions for journalism in Serbia - Reports

This MeCODEM working paper aims to systematically and comprehensively map the structural conditions relevant to journalism and conflict communication in Serbia

BIRN Summer School Master Class of Investigative Reporting - Opportunities

A five-day course in investigative journalism for experienced journalists organized by BIRN, taking place in Konjic (BiH) on 21-27 August, 2016

Captured News Media: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and Montenegro - Reports

An analysis of media capture by state-powers and its impact on media freedom in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Serbia 

The Imperial Legacies of Television within Europe - Academic Sources

The study gives a postcolonial account of intra-European broadcast regions through industrial collaborations, imperial vestiges, and imperial connections

EU Investigative Journalism Awards in the Western Balkans and Turkey - Opportunities

The 2016 calls for nominations for the EU awards for investigative journalism in the Western Balkans and Turkey has been launched between 7 - 11 March in the seven countries taking part to this regional initiative

Journalist Security in the Digital World: A Survey - Manuals

The digital world turns journalism into a riskier profession, but it can also make it safer. Digital technology can offer tools to minimize the dangers. How do journalists get along with risks and opportunities?

Journalism Prize Marco Luchetta - Opportunities

Applications are open until April 5th 2016, for the Journalism Prize Marco Luchetta. The Journalism Prize Marco Luchetta honours the memory of Marco Luchetta, Alessandro Ota and Dario D'Angelo, Italian journalists killed in Mostar in 1994 while filming a special report to propose Balkan war child victims as nominees for the Nobel Peace Prize.

The Trust Factor: EJN Review of Journalism and Self-regulation - Reports

How to build trust with the audience in modern journalism

Representation of minorities in the new media - Reports

A study published by Media Observatory presents a content analysis of coverage of minorities by prominent online media outlets in four Balkan countries

EU Communication Policy in Its Neighbourhood in Light of Third-Party Propaganda - Reports

How EU can face Russian rhetoric and IS propaganda? A report from the Polish Institue of International Affairs