Search for "BELARUS" returned 61 matches

"Journalism & Political Education in the Social Web”. Call for applicants for young journalists - Training

Call for applicants for M100 Young European Journalists Workshop in Potsdam, Germany (September 10 – 19 , 2018)

Countering Hate Speech & Far-right Radicalism Training Series - Training

A training series for selected participants from Central and Eastern Europe

INSI Casualties Database 2017 - Datasets

INSI’s casualty statistics are compiled by monitoring press reports of journalists and media workers killed around the world as a result of their job

Stories on corruption: a call for proposals - Opportunities

The Open Media Hub promotes a Call for Expression of Interest for production support to video-journalists from the Eastern Partnership countries

MEMO 98 - Stakeholders

MEMO 98 conducts media monitoring and analyses, targeting the public and policy makers, on the role of media in the election processes. MEMO 98 monitoring activity is based on international standards concerning the media and the electoral process and democratic governance. Their mission is ensuring all citizens to have free access to comprehensive information. Their primary objective of MEMO 98's monitoring is to evaluate the range of political and social diversity in media reporting. 

The association has been working for 19 years in Slovakia and abroad. The most significant international projects carried out by MEMO 98 were conducted in the former Yugoslavia (2000), Belarus (2001, 2004, 2007 and 2008), Ukraine (2004, 2015-2016), Russia (2005-11, 2015), Azerbaijan (2008, 2013-2015), Myanmar (2010-11 and 2015-16), Serbia (2012-2014) and Georgia (2013-2015).

Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR) - Stakeholders

The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR) is a foundation established in 1989 in Warsaw. The HFHR is one of the most experienced and professional non-governmental organizations involved in the protection of human rights in Europe. It is active both in Poland and abroad, in particular in the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus, the Caucasus and Central Asia. HFHR conducts national and international trainings, organizes conferences and seminars. It provides expert consultation in the sphere of human rights and freedoms to individuals as well as to non-governmental organizations and to state institutions.

In 1993, the Foundation set up the Human Rights House in Warsaw, an international network to protect, empowers and support human rights defenders and their organizations. Today, more than 100 independent human rights organizations work together in 15 Human Rights Houses located in Eastern and Western Europe, the Caucasus and the Balkans. The headquarter of the Human Rights House Foundation is based in Oslo.

In Poland the Foundation has established the Observatory of Media Freedom , a program dedicated to monitoring the standards of protection of the freedom of expression in Poland, through legal opinions, analysis and complaints to the European Court of Human Rights.

Perspektivy: Cross-Border Journalism programme - Opportunities

Research funding programme for Russian-speaking journalists and bloggers from Russia, Central Asia, Eastern Europe, the Baltics or the Caucasus

Moldova's Media at Crossroads 2017 - Opportunities

Researchers and scholars based in Moldova, in the Baltic or the Eastern Partnership regions are invited to submit brief proposals on media pluralism, media literacy and information resilience in Moldova by August 31st 

Arrest of media professionals quadruples in first quarter 2017 - Reports

As shown by reports submitted to Index on Censorship’s Mapping Media Freedom platform in the first quarter of 2017, media professionals were arrested at an alarming rate, with more than a fourfold increase over the fourth quarter of 2016