Search for "BELARUS" returned 61 matches

CPJ Database on Journalists killed - Datasets

CPJ began compiling detailed records on journalist deaths in 1992. The dataset includes confirmed cases of work-related deaths, perpetrators and circumstances

IREX - Media Sustainability Index - Indexes

IREX's Media Sustainability Index (MSI) considers the conditions for independent media in 80 countries across the world

Reporters Without Borders - Press Freedom Index - Indexes

Published every year since 2002 by Reporters Without Borders (RWB), the World Press Freedom Index ranks 180 countries according to the level of freedom available to journalists

Freedom House - Freedom of the Press - Indexes

Since 1980, the Freedom of the Press index assesses on an annual basis the degree of print, broadcast, and digital media freedom in 199 countries

Global Media Freedom Dataset - Indexes

The Global Media Freedom Dataset ranks the media environment in each country on the basis of the capability of journalists to express criticism and to keep those in power accountable 

Attacks against journalists and media freedom in Europe - Reports

A review of major violations recorded by the Council of Europe “Platform to promote the protection of journalism and safety of journalists” shows worrying trends particularly in countries affected by conflict and unrest

Wiki4MediaFreedom explained in 10 points - Article

On November 21st, OBC Transeuropa organises in Belgrade a writing marathon of Wikipedia entries on press freedom. The initiative is part of a larger project – here it is, in 10 points

Grants fund investigative journalism - Opportunities

Journalists from Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova can apply for grants for investigative journalism projects

Pavel Sheremet: Keeping his memory alive - Article

Following the killing of the Belarus journalist Pavel Sheremet, OBC contributed to improve and translate his biographical page on Wikipedia

Eurasian Development Bank hosts journalism contest - Opportunities

Journalists from Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Russia can compete in a contest organized by the Eurasian Development Bank