Search data_visualization

Search for "data_visualization" returned 35 matches

Digital rights in Russia 2017 - Reports

An analysis by Article 19 on the deterioration of freedom of expression online in Russia

Turkey Blocks - Monitoring tool

Turkey Blocks is a realtime feed of live data on large-scale blocking, throttling and internet shutdown incidents: Turkey's digital censorship observatory

Online privacy for journalists. A must-have guide for journalists in 2017 - Manuals

 A guide for journalists and citizens on how to keep their data and sources anonymous when working in the cyberspace 

Online platforms (Eurobarometer) - Surveys

An opinion survey published in June 2016 explores the use of online platforms within the EU, focusing especially on search engines, online social networks and online marketplaces

Twitter transparency report - Datasets

Since 2012, Twitter Transparency Report highlights trends in information requests and removal requests addressed to the platform

Web Index - Indexes

The Web Index is designed and produced by the World Wide Web Foundation to measure the World Wide Web’s contribution to social, economic and political progress in countries across the world

Online Course on Monitoring Hate Crime - Training

An online course on identifying, monitoring and countering hate crime and hate speech

Italy: new bill against cyberbullying endangers freedom of expression on the web - Legal Resources

OssigenoInformazione warns against restrictions of freedom of expression on the web that may derive from the newly adopted bill against cyberbullying

Cyber Security: Safety at Home, Online, in Life - Training

This three-week free online course explores practical cyber security including privacy online, payment safety and security at home

Surveillance Self-Defence - Training

Tips, Tools and How-tos for Safer Online Communications aimed at journalists and activists