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Search for "internet_ownership" returned 48 matches

Content or Context Moderation? - Reports

Robyn Caplan analyses three different types of content moderation: artisanal, community-reliant, and industrial, and highlights the tension between consistent decisions and context-based decisions

Hacks, leaks and disruptions – Russian cyber strategies - Reports

This edition of the Chaillot Papers, the monographic publication by the European Union Institute for Security Studies, is devoted to Russia’s cyber posture, some case studies of Russian cyberattacks, and EU and NATO approaches to cyber threats

Weaponizing the Digital Influence Machine: The Political Perils of Online Ad Tech - Reports

Developments in technology have turned digital political advertising into a weapon which is dangerous to democracy, a report by Data & Society argues

Freedom on the Net 2018 - The Rise of Digital Authoritarianism - Reports

Covering 87% of the world’s Internet users, Freedom on the Net is a study of Internet freedom in 65 countries around the globe that tracks improvements and declines in Internet freedom conditions each year

Network Propaganda - Books

A comprehensive study of media coverage of US presidential politics argues that the post-truth moment and the perceived democratic crisis have more to do with a longstanding change in the American right-wing media ecosystem than with social networks, Russian propaganda, and "fake news" websites

Fake News as a Floating Signifier: Hegemony, Antagonism and the Politics of Falsehood - Academic Sources

The paper, published on Javnost - The Public Journal, argues that “fake news” has become a “floating signifier”, something which is used by different factions as a part of a battle to impose their viewpoint

Neutrollization: Industrialized trolling as a pro-Kremlin strategy of desecuritization - Academic Sources

This research paper, published on the Security Dialogue journal, identifies and discusses the practice of "neutrollization", a trolling practice aimed at neutralising civil society attempts to cast the Kremlin regime as a societal security threat

Authoritarian Practices in the Digital Age - Academic Sources

This paper is the introduction to a Special Section that systematically examines authoritarian practices in relation to digital technologies in multilateral, transnational, and public–private settings. It explains the research agenda and aim of the collection and briefly describes its contributions

Disinformation and ‘fake news’: Interim Report - Reports

This report by the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee of the House of Commons is part of an ongoing inquiry on fake news, which has been expanded to include other related topics. The Committee claims that democracy itself is at risk, and sets out a number of recommendations

Troll Factories: The Internet Research Agency and State-Sponsored Agenda Building - Academic Sources

Darren L. Linvill and Patrick L. Warren (Clemson University) published a working paper about the methods used by the Internet Research Agency, a Russia-sponsored troll group