Search professional 17journalism

Search for "professional 17journalism" returned 51 matches

Tom Law on Media Literacy for newsrooms - HTML5 video

Media literacy is crucial in order to spot misinformation and hate speech online. A short interview with Tom Law, Director of Campaigns and Communications at the Ethical Journalism Network

Newsrooms of the world unite! Finding a global solution to misinformation - HTML5 video

Trust in media and the fight against misinformation cannot be solved within one region alone, or just by journalists alone. It is a global problem that requires a global solution. A discussion at the International Journalism Festival in Perugia, April 2018

Critical perspectives on the disinformation discussion - HTML5 video

What do we know about disinformation and what can be done about it? Are proposed solutions sometimes worse than the actual diseases at hand? Or are we critically underestimating the scale of the problem and missing opportunities to effectively address it? A roundtable on critical perspectives on disinformation at the 2018 edition of the International Journalism Festival in Perugia

Media Manipulation, Amplification and Responsibility - HTML5 video

danah boyd, founder of Data & Society, gave the opening speech at ONA2018, the annual conference of the Online News Association.

Three tips for reporting on gender-based violence - HTML5 video

A short video by IJNet (International Journalists' Network) on how to avoid stereotypes and sensationalism when portraying violence against women and girls in media

How To Make A Super-Secure Password - HTML5 video

This short video is a guide on how to make super-secure password using ordinary dice

Investigative Journalism in the Digital Age - HTML5 video

On Friday April 3 2015, at Harvard Law School's Wasserstein Hall, Richard Tofel, president of the independent investigative journalism organization ProPublica, gave a talk on investigative journalism in the digital age

Resource Centre: A Toolkit for Media Freedom - HTML5 video

The Resource Centre for Media Freedom in Europe explained in less than two minutes

A Blind Eye on News: Self-Censorship in the Albanian Media - HTML5 video

With this two-minute video, the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network in Albania seeks to raise awareness among the public, media professionals and decision-makers about widespread self-censorship in the media in Albania

5 Components of Information Literacy - HTML5 video

Information literacy is crucial for media literacy. This explanatory video by the Seminole State Library of Florida presents the five components of information literacy and explains how this is related to freedom of speech and freedom of the media since it deals also with recognizing the limits and protections of free speech and censorship