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Search for "turkey" returned 24 matches

Does Montenegro choose the European Union or jailing a top journalist? - Article

On 8 October 2020, the verdict in the retrial of the Montenegrin journalist Jovo Martinović will be pronounced. Ahead of the decision, we, the undersigned organisations, call on the High Court of Montenegro to take full account of the overwhelming evidence of the reporter’s innocence and acquit him

Invitation to participate in our online survey - Article

The safety of journalists is at risk in too many countries, and protection systems are facing new challenges. OBCT invites journalists, media outlets and stakeholders to answer to relevant questions in order to outline the problems and the possible solutions. If you have experienced threats and have asked for help, please, access our questionnaires

ECPMF calls on Turkey drop the charges against journalist Oktay Candemir - Article

The European Centre for Press and Media Freedom, as part of  Media Freedom Rapid Response calls on the Turkish authorities to immediately and unconditionally drop the charges against freelance journalist Oktay Candemir and to return his confiscated property in full and without delay

Press Cartoonists in Europe must be protected - Article

Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners call for press cartoonists to be protected to ensure they can realise their right to free expression across Europe