Search investigative 17journalism

Search for "investigative 17journalism" returned 134 matches

Online Module: How to counter hate speech and manage an online community - Reports

A training module addressed to journalists, bloggers, media activists, social media managers, and professionals involved in the contrast of online hate speech

Online Module: ethical journalism practices on migrants and refugees - Reports

Terminology, news angles, sources, the use of audio-visual content, and most importantly journalism ethics

The Oxygen of Amplification - Reports

The report, written by digital media scholar Whitney Phillips for Data&Society, shows how the far-right manipulated the media in 2016, discusses the relation between reporting and amplifying extremist ideology and suggests some tips to journalists on when and how to cover online harassment campaigns and manipulations

"Journalism & Political Education in the Social Web”. Call for applicants for young journalists - Training

Call for applicants for M100 Young European Journalists Workshop in Potsdam, Germany (September 10 – 19 , 2018)

Call for applicants for Youth4Regions Media Programme - Training

A funded training opportunity for 28 journalism students from EU Member States

Hooked on junk news: breaking bad habits and rebuilding trust in the media - Training

A free webinar for journalists and academics interested in improving journalism's reputation and reception 

Identifying misinformation - online course - Training

A new online course from First Draft helps journalists use free tools to track down, source, and verify information they find online


Investigating Data with R - Training

How to get the most out of one of the most popular programming languages for dealing with data

CIJ Course: Data Visualisation - Training

When, why, and how to turn data into something visual

CIJ Course: Using SQL to Dig Into Databases - Training

When Excel is not enough for your data analysis