Search practical support

Search for "practical support" returned 75 matches

Italy: a case endangering journalists’ rights to report and protect their sources - Legal Resources

An analysis of the background and context of the on-going case involving Italian journalists Davide Vecchi and Augusto Mattioli, who are writing about the bankruptcy scandal of an historical Italian bank

IREX - Media Sustainability Index - Indexes

IREX's Media Sustainability Index (MSI) considers the conditions for independent media in 80 countries across the world

Reporters Without Borders - Press Freedom Index - Indexes

Published every year since 2002 by Reporters Without Borders (RWB), the World Press Freedom Index ranks 180 countries according to the level of freedom available to journalists

Conference: Promoting dialogue between the European Court of Human Rights and the media freedom community - Opportunities

Registration will close on February 10 for the conference “Promoting dialogue between the ECtHR and the media freedom community”, to be held in Strasbourg on 24 of March 2017

Serbia: Indicators on the level of media freedom and journalists’ safety - Reports

Supported by European Union, the Independent Journalists' Association of Serbia has produced a report which intends to measure the level of media freedom throughout three main indicators

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Indicators for the level of media freedom and journalists’ safety - Reports

Supported by the European Union, the Association of BH Journalists has produced a report which intends to measure the level of media freedom in the country throughout three main indicators

Montenegro: Indicators for the level of media freedom and journalists’ safety - Reports

Supported by the European Union, the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro has produced a report which intends to measure the country's level of media freedom using three main indicators

Freedom of Expression in the Age of Globalization - Training

A Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) about the scope, limits and abuses of Freedom of Expression

Whistleblowing - Prof. Dirk Voorhoof at #ECPMF2016 Conference - HTML5 video

A detailed academic and practical insight by Professor Voorhoof into the case law of the ECtHR concerning access to information, protection of leaks, whistleblowing and journalists.

Turkey: Journalism is Not a Crime! - Campaigns

Journalists campaign against the ever-increasing pressure on the press in Turkey with a new initiative named “I’am a Journalist”.