Search covid-19

Search for "covid-19" returned 484 matches

Analysis of the Laws Pertaining to the Public Service Broadcasting System of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Reports

The report examines the legal framework regulating the public broadcasting service (PBS) system of Bosnia and Herzegovina, its three-fold structure and its financing

Getting the facts right - Reporting ethnicity & religion - Reports

A study realised by Media Diversity Institute on media coverage of ethnicity and religion in Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Slovakia and the United Kingdom

General comment No. 34 on Article 19 ICCPR - Legal Resources

The UN Human Rights Committee's fundamental remarks on Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) on freedoms of opinion and expression

European Charter on the Freedom of the Press - Legal Resources

The charter formulates principles for the freedom of the press from government interference - in particular for their right to safety from surveillance, electronic eavesdropping and searches of editorial departments and computers, and to unimpeded access for journalists and citizens to all domestic and foreign sources of information