Search freedom_of_expression

Search for "freedom_of_expression" returned 911 matches

Encryption and Anonymity follow-up report - Reports

After three years, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression David Kaye authored an update to the 2015 Report on Encryption and Anonymity, addressing trends in state restrictions and the role of corporations

Romania - Media Pluralism Monitor 2017 - Reports

The MPM 2017 report on Romania shows uneven performances, with the major concerns being related to the areas of 'market plurality' and 'social inclusiveness'

Romania - Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2018 - Reports

The article aims to explore the changing environment around news in Romania, focusing mainly on television as the main source of information as well as on the increasingly-used mobile phone

Germany: Responding to ‘hate speech’ - Reports

The report was produced as part of “Media Against Hate”, a Europe-wide campaign initiated by the European Federation of Journalists and a coalition of civil society organisations

Online Module: Media Against ‘Hate Speech’ - Reports

How to identify ‘hate speech’ and how to effectively counter it while protecting the rights to freedom of expression and equality

Online Module: ethical journalism practices on migrants and refugees - Reports

Terminology, news angles, sources, the use of audio-visual content, and most importantly journalism ethics

Online Module: Inclusion through media - Reports

These resources and case studies look at the role and responsibilities of media, civil society, and institutions in enabling (or hindering) empowerment and participation of all members of society

The Oxygen of Amplification - Reports

The report, written by digital media scholar Whitney Phillips for Data&Society, shows how the far-right manipulated the media in 2016, discusses the relation between reporting and amplifying extremist ideology and suggests some tips to journalists on when and how to cover online harassment campaigns and manipulations

Tackling fake news, the Italian way - Legal Resources

As measures against fake news are widely debated across Europe, the protocol adopted by the Italian Interior Ministry on the eve of political elections, enabling the Postal Police to fact-check and report contents, has caused concern in the public debate

Media Independence through Routine Press-State Relations - Academic Sources

A case study of media independence and press-state relationship based on coverage of migration in the United Kingdom