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Search for "public%20service%20media" returned 112 matches

SLAPPs: Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation - Article

© STILLFX/Shutterstock

The 9th of a series of thematic itineraries to explore the Resource Centre on Media Freedom through a curated aggregation of contents.

SLAPPs: the Italian Case - Legal Resources

Strategic lawsuits threaten freedom of expression in Italy too: in this analysis, an overview of the situation, the threats, the chilling effect, and the bills currently under discussion in the Italian Parliament

Media Freedom in Turkey - Article

The seventh of a series of thematic itineraries to explore the Resource Centre on Media Freedom through a curated aggregation of contents

Romania’s press freedom fall - Reports

This short report by Reporters Sans Frontières (RSF) describes the current situation in Romanian media as press freedom has sharply declined in recent years. The country ranked 44th out of 180 countries in RSF’s 2018 World Press Freedom Index

Workshop: Digital Memory Practices in and after Conflict - Opportunities

A call for written contributions and an invitation to a two-day workshop at the Belgrade-based Center for Comparative Conflict Studies (CFCCS), Faculty of Media and Communications (FMK)

Content or Context Moderation? - Reports

Robyn Caplan analyses three different types of content moderation: artisanal, community-reliant, and industrial, and highlights the tension between consistent decisions and context-based decisions

Freedom on the Net 2018 - The Rise of Digital Authoritarianism - Reports

Covering 87% of the world’s Internet users, Freedom on the Net is a study of Internet freedom in 65 countries around the globe that tracks improvements and declines in Internet freedom conditions each year

Romania - Media Pluralism Monitor 2017 - Reports

The MPM 2017 report on Romania shows uneven performances, with the major concerns being related to the areas of 'market plurality' and 'social inclusiveness'

Digital News Report 2018 - Turkey Supplementary Report - Reports

This study is based on the analysis of data collected as part of the Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2018. Based on the responses given by 2019 people from urban contexts of different parts of the country, it provides an overview of the media landscape in Turkey in 2018

Germany: Responding to ‘hate speech’ - Reports

The report was produced as part of “Media Against Hate”, a Europe-wide campaign initiated by the European Federation of Journalists and a coalition of civil society organisations