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Search for "research" returned 523 matches

SLAPP and democracy, side effects and collateral damage - Article

Strategic lawsuits against public participation heavily impact on the citizens' right to be informed - that is why society needs to be able to respond to and to prevent this kind of abuse of legal tools. Here is a series of analysis and perspectives inspired by cases involving journalists and human rights defenders in Italy

Free to Think 2021. Report of the Scholars at Risk Academic Freedom Monitoring Project - Reports

The seventh installment of an annual report by Scholars at Risk’s Academic Freedom Monitoring Project. The report analyzes 332 attacks on higher education communities in 65 countries and territories around the world between September 1, 2020 and August 31, 2021

Media Freedom in the Age of Citizen Journalism - Books

This timely book explores how the internet and social media have permanently altered the media landscape, enabling new actors to enter the marketplace, and changing the way that news is generated, published and consumed

State of SLAPPs in Spain - Reports

A country report published by Article 19, to describe how journalists and media outlets in Spain are facing multiple lawsuits for exposing corruption, reporting on matters of public concern or covering protests

Greece: Answers needed over alleged state surveillance of journalist - Article

The undersigned partners of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) today urge the Greek government to immediately provide clarity over allegations that a state intelligence agency conducted surveillance on journalist Stavros Malichudis and the investigative media organisation Solomon, which focuses on refugees and migration in Greece

CIVIL SOCIETY STATEMENT On the firing of UN human rights whistleblower Emma Reilly - Article

Together with other 39 organizations, OBCT co-signed a statement in support of whistleblower Emma Reilly, a few days after she was fired by the UN

INI REPORT on strengthening democracy and media freedom and pluralism in the EU: the undue use of actions under civil and criminal law to silence j... - Legal Resources

Approved by the European Parliament on 11 November 2021 with 444 votes in favour, 48 against and 75 abstained, this initiative by the LIBE and JURI Committee aims at tackling the abuse of legal tools that threatens freedom of expression

Open Letter to EU Policy-Makers: How the Digital Services Act (DSA) can Tackle Disinformation - Article

Written in August 2021,the letter examines the Digital Services Act (DSA), the EU’s draft law on internet safety and accountability, that would introduce sweeping change to our online environment. Unfortunately, the law does not tackle disinformation head on

Threats that Silence: Trends in the Safety of Journalists - Reports

A discussion paper by UNESCO about the World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development

Journalists working from home? A labour right perspective for a hybrid future - Reports

A survey by the European Federation of Journalists aimed at mapping out the existing practices and gather information to develop better policy to ensure the fail and safe working conditions for journalists when telework/home office practices continue to exist after the pandemic