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Search for "legal_protection" returned 100 matches

Defending media freedom in Poland - Legal Resources

The European Commission has adopted a framework to address threats to the rule of law by member states. The framework, which was initiated against Poland due to changes to its Media Law, entails a three-stage process of assessment, recommendations and monitoring

Understanding the EU Rule of Law mechanisms - Reports

This briefing by the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) conveys fundamental information about the “Rule of Law Framework”, the EU assessment mechanism applied for the first time in Poland with regard to the management of state TV and radio broadcasters

ECJ: Commission has to enable access to written submissions - Legal Resources

The European Commission refused a German Pirate Party deputy access to Austria-related written submissions. After the party deputy filed a lawsuit, the European Court of Justice decided in his favor, in accordance with a decree overseeing access to EU government documents

E-learning on Defamation Law and European Human Rights Standards - Training

A video e-learning series by IPI and MLDI for lawyers and journalists on European legal standards related to freedom of expression and the protection of reputation

Promoting Media and Information Literacy in Libraries - Reports

The report is an in-depth analysis of librarians’ and public libraries’ role in promoting information and media literacy, written for the CULT Committee of the European Parliament

Media Freedom and the growth of the European public sphere - Reports

This position paper drafted by OBC discusses the challenges to media freedom and pluralism in Europe, considering the challenges for prtecting these rights within EU member states and in candidate and potential candidate in South-East Europe

Balancing Act: Press freedom at risk as EU struggles to match action with values - HTML5 video

The Committee to Protect Journalists presents its report on the challenges faced by the European Union is in keeping up to its role as a global leader in press freedom.

Backgrounds, Experiences and Responses to Online Hate Speech: A Comparative Cross-Country Analysis - Reports

With funding from the EU's Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme, a recent report by the PRISM project has empirically investigated online hate speech in France, Italy, Romania, Spain and the UK

Balancing act: Press freedom at risk as EU struggles to match action with values - Reports

In this 2015 report, the Committee to Protect Journalists highlights challenges faced by the EU related to press freedom record. Member states adoption of repressive laws and regulations are as dangerous as the EU failure to act swiftly when countries renege on their commitments

Report by the CoE Commissioner for Human Rights following his visit to Bulgaria - Reports

This Report by Nils Muiznieks, Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, follows his visit to Bulgaria from 9 to 11 February 2015. The situation of media is one of the worring elements which called for the attention of the Commissioner.