Search "Bulgaria"

Search for ""Bulgaria"" returned 8 matches

MFRR Monitoring Report - January to June 2023 - Reports

The MFRR Monitoring Report reviews media freedom violations occurred in Europe in the first half of 2023

2022 Rule of Law Report - Reports

On 13 July 2022, the European Commission adopted the third Rule of Law Report, which includes 27 country chapters and new recommendations to each Member State

Rule of Law Report 2021, targeted stakeholder consultation - Reports

The Rule of Law Report monitors significant developments, both positive and negative, relating to the rule of law in Member States. It covers four pillars: the justice system, the anti-corruption framework, media pluralism, and other institutional issues related to checks and balances

Journalism without a Mask. 2020 Annual Survey of Media Freedom in Bulgaria - Reports

This is the fifth edition of the perception survey conducted online by the Association of European Journalists (AEJ) Bulgaria

Journalists across EU face wave of attacks covering anti-lockdown protests - Reports

Since the beginning of September, IPI and its Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners have recorded at least 58 incidents involving assaults, physical aggression, threats and intimidation against journalists covering demonstrations linked to COVID-19, in Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Austria and Portugal

Briefing: Media Freedom Violations in the EU under COVID-19 - Reports

An overview of media freedom violations registered in several EU Member States and Candidate Countries since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the continent in late February 2020

Democracy at Risk: Threats and Attacks Against Media Freedom in Europe. Annual Report 2019 - Reports

This 2019 Annual Report by 12 Council of Europe partner organisations portrays the situation of the media environment in Europe, highlighting its most problematic aspects and their causes. It also provides an in-depth look into particular issues or countries and recommendations to ensure a better media environment

Building a safety net for European journalists - Reports

Needs and problems experienced by journalists in 11 European countries are the focus of these report curated by Eugenia Siapera