Search civil-19

Search for "civil-19" returned 5 matches

I Subscribe - To support Independent Journalism in Turkey - Campaigns

A coalition of freedom of expression organizations led by the International Press Institute (IPI) launched on June the 5th the “I Subscribe” campaign for independent journalism in Turkey.

#MediaAgainstHate - Campaigns

EFJ launches a Europe-wide campaign to counter hate speech in the media 

Whistleblowers need EU protection - Campaigns

It is high time for legislation on EU-wide whistleblower protection

EFJ campaign for Whistleblowers Protection - Campaigns

Eurocadres and EFJ campaigning for a EU legislation to protect whistleblowers

#NoHateSpeech - Campaigns

The Association Carta di Roma with the European Federation of Journalists launched the European campaign #nohatespeech, with a petition aiming to ban the promoters of online hate speech