Search council_of_europe_member_states

Search for "council_of_europe_member_states" returned 4 matches

Defending Press Freedom in Times of Tension and Conflict - Reports

Annual Report by the partner organisations to the Council of Europe Platform to Promote the Protection of Journalism and Safety of Journalists

Wanted! Real action for media freedom in Europe - Reports

Annual Report 2021 by the partner organisations to the Council of Europe Platform to Promote the Protection of Journalism and Safety of Journalists

Freelance Journalism Assembly - Training

The Freelance Journalism Assembly is a programme designed to connect and empower freelance journalists in Europe. The Assembly will include online training sessions, one-on-one mentorship activities, networking opportunities and a major event to be held in 2021. At the Assembly, freelance journalists will acquire skills and build connections to help them face their professional and personal challenges

PANDEMIC FOR DIGITAL RIGHTS. Central and Southeast Europe - Reports

The digital rights monitoring that SHARE Foundation has been running since 2014 expanded and included the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN) to keep track of incidents in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Hungary, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Romania. This monitoring report covers the period from 31 January to 30 September 2020