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Search for "cover security" returned 17 matches

MFRR highlights threats to media freedom in EU Commission’s Rule of Law report - Article

OBCT and MFRR partners participated in the European Commission's public consultations on the rule of law providing updates on media freedom in EU countries 

Poland’s unfair election reinforces demands for Europe-wide Media Freedom Act - Article

Following recent elections in Poland, which highlight the need for stronger media freedom and independence norms, OBCT joins media freedom and human rights groups in calling for the adoption of the Parliament's version of the proposed European Media Freedom Act

European Media Freedom Act: the end of source confidentiality? - Article

The new European regulation aims to protect the secrecy of journalistic sources, the key concept at the heart of journalism, but actually risks legitimising its systematic violation

By Dimitri Bettoni

Originally published by OBCT. Also available in ITA

Renate Schroeder, EFJ: Why we need a strong Media Freedom Act in Europe - Article

An analysis by the Director of the European Federation of Journalists

EU Rule of Law report: Little bark, no bite - Article

The Rule of Law Report can be a valuable tool that empowers civil society. However, for it to become a critical tool that can contribute to the promotion and safeguarding of EU values, MFRR partners believe several fundamental changes are needed

Turkey: a letter of concern ahead of the visit of EU leaders - Article

Ahead of their visit to Turkey, we joined several ngos and human rights groups in asking the President of the European Council and the President of the European Commission to highlight the country's domestic human rights situation, in particular threats to journalists and media outlets

Erosion of media freedom in Poland and Hungary: a high-level panel - Article

On Tuesday 9 March from 2 to 3 pm, the International Press Institute (IPI) and ARTICLE 19 are hosting a high-level panel event to discuss the erosion of media freedom and pluralism in Poland and Hungary and its effect on democracy within the European Union

MFRR Summit. Locked Down: Protecting Europe's Free Press - Article

The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) announces the first MFRR Summit, taking place online between 17th and 20th March. Locked Down: Protecting Europe’s Free Press will feature keynote speeches by Irene Khan and Věra Jourová, and bring together 32 journalists and experts from 16 countries to explore the threats facing media freedom in Europe across eight panels and two workshops

Country factsheet: Bulgaria - Article

Called "the black sheep of EU media freedom", Bulgaria faces a lot of issues related to freedom of expression and safety of journalists. Here a detailed overview made by OBCT journalist Francesco Martino, who lives in Sofia

EU Initiative: Include Hate Speech and Hate Crimes in the list of EU crimes - Article

The EU Commission is asking stakeholders to provide their feedbak on the scale, nature and impact of the types of hate speech and hate crime under consideration. Deadline 20 April