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Search for "online news online media" returned 14 matches

European Commission study on journalist safety lacks solutions while security deteriorates - Article

Media freedom groups highlight disconnect between report findings and ground realities

Media-Democracy Nexus in the European Space - Article

OBC Transeuropa, in cooperation with the Heinrich Böll Stiftung Paris, France - Italy and with the support of Federazione Nazionale Stampa Italiana and Consiglio Nazionale Ordine dei giornalisti is organising an international conference dedicated to the rule of law, media freedom, and democracy. The event will take place on the 17th of October 2023 at the premises of the Association of Foreign Press in Italy, Rome. 

Renate Schroeder, EFJ: Why we need a strong Media Freedom Act in Europe - Article

An analysis by the Director of the European Federation of Journalists

EDMO Week: United Against Disinformation - Article

To mark its first year of activities, the European Digital Media Observatory will hold its first annual conference, EDMO Week: United Against Disinformation, on 7-11 June bringing together stakeholders working to tackle online disinformation, including researchers, regulatory authorities, online platforms, civil society, and the policy sector

Turkey: a letter of concern ahead of the visit of EU leaders - Article

Ahead of their visit to Turkey, we joined several ngos and human rights groups in asking the President of the European Council and the President of the European Commission to highlight the country's domestic human rights situation, in particular threats to journalists and media outlets

Erosion of media freedom in Poland and Hungary: a high-level panel - Article

On Tuesday 9 March from 2 to 3 pm, the International Press Institute (IPI) and ARTICLE 19 are hosting a high-level panel event to discuss the erosion of media freedom and pluralism in Poland and Hungary and its effect on democracy within the European Union

MFRR Summit. Locked Down: Protecting Europe's Free Press - Article

The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) announces the first MFRR Summit, taking place online between 17th and 20th March. Locked Down: Protecting Europe’s Free Press will feature keynote speeches by Irene Khan and Věra Jourová, and bring together 32 journalists and experts from 16 countries to explore the threats facing media freedom in Europe across eight panels and two workshops

Country factsheet: Bulgaria - Article

Called "the black sheep of EU media freedom", Bulgaria faces a lot of issues related to freedom of expression and safety of journalists. Here a detailed overview made by OBCT journalist Francesco Martino, who lives in Sofia

Media and artistic freedom under attack: Europe has to act - Article

The General Secretary of the European Federation of Journalists Ricardo Gutiérrez gave the keynote speech today at the Socialists & Democrats online event on media freedom and artistic freedom. He called on MEPs to push member state governments to adopt concrete measures to protect journalists

EU Rule of Law Report: ECPMF urges action - Article

The European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF), as part of the Media Freedom Rapid Response, welcomes the publication of the first EU Annual Rule of Law Report, appreciating that a number of the concerns raised in the preparatory phase have been taken into account