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Search for "online news online media" returned 18 matches

Ima li pravde za slobodu izražavanja? - Is there a right to freedom of expression? - Reports

This report provides relevant data on cases of media disputes in Serbia, analyzing how competent courts deal with freedom of expression-related issues

South Tyrol, the information monopoly and a new case of SLAPP - Article

The Bolzano web portal has received a claim for damages for 150,000 Euros from the South Tyrol publishing giant Athesia. According to defence attorney Nicola Canestrini, it is a clear case of SLAPP, a gag complaint

By Paola Rosà

Originally published by OBCT, also available in ITA

Online School for Journalists and Media Practitioners - Training

Two days of the 10th online edition of the annual School for Journalists and Media Practitioners organised by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Freedom (CMPF), at the European University Institute

Online attacks against journalists: Know Your Rights - Legal Resources

A guide though legislation and legal tools to tackle online harassment, published by the International News Safety Institute (INSI), Thomson Reuters Foundation and UNESCO

Croatia: MFRR partners concerned about wave of abusive legal actions against - Article

MFRR partners condemn the wave of abusive legal actions filed against, many of which used by powerful individuals as a means of silencing critical expression

Legal Responses to Online Harassment and Abuse of Journalists: Perspectives from Finland, France and Ireland - Legal Resources

This report focuses on the legal framework that applies to online harassment and abuse in three jurisdictions, namely Finland, France and Ireland. These three jurisdictions have been selected because they are some of the few jurisdictions that have seen high-profile and successful prosecutions in 2018 of individuals who had been harassing or threatening journalists online

The Media at Protests: Official Attitudes - Legal Resources

Covering protests and demonstrations is part of the core function of journalism of disseminating public interest information. However, often media workers are subjected to intimidations and attacks, also by police

European Journalism in the Digital Age - Training

A legal and practical boot camp for journalists, activists, and lawyers

State Sponsored Trolling - Reports

The report published by the Institute for the Future explores how governments are deploying disinformation as part of broader digital harassment campaigns

Empower democracy, #SaveYourPress - Campaigns

#SaveYourPress supports the approval of the Publisher's Right at the European Parliament to defend intellectual property and independent media