Search self-censorship

Search for "self-censorship" returned 16 matches

Croatia: SafeJournalists and MFRR partners express full solidarity and support to Hrvoje Zovko in further legal battle - Article

Following the decision of the Supreme Court to overturn the the previous verdicts on the case involving Hrvoje Zovko and the Croatian Radiotelevision (HRT), media freedom organisations show full support to the Croatian journalist in his appeal to the Constitutional Court

Croatia, the new media bill is dangerous - Article

“I don't know who wrote this bill, but I suspect that the main intention was to divide the Croatian media, creating havoc in the sector”, said Hrvoje Zovko, the president of the Association of Croatian Journalists (HND). We met him in Zagreb

By Giovanni Vale

Originally pubblished by OBCT. Also available in ITA and BHS

Maja Sever, the first woman to lead the EFJ - Article

Quickly resolving the economic issue relating to journalists, fighting harder against SLAPPs or gag complaints, using the rule of law to improve media conditions. These are the keywords of Maja Sever, the first woman to lead the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ)

by Giovanni Vale

CJA's poll: at least 951 active lawsuits against journalists and media - Reports

Currently, there are at least 951 lawsuits active in Croatia against journalists and the media,  from which the prosecutors are demanding the amount of almost € 10.3 million for damages, according to the results of a survey, conducted for the fourth year in a row by the Croatian Journalists' Association

UK: oil firm whistleblower Jonathan Taylor released - Article

On Wednesday 7 July 2021, the request to extradite Jonathan Taylor has been formally rejected by the Minister of Justice of Croatia. This decision is a victory for the public's right to be informed, as whistleblowers play a vital role in our democracies

Urgent letter to Croatian Minister of Justice: Do not extradite Whistleblower Jonathan Taylor - Article

Together with WIN (Whistleblowing international network), we co-signed a letter to the Croatian Minister of Justice

Open Letter to Croatian Minister of Justice to free whistleblower Jonathan Taylor - Article

Arrested last July, the British lawyer is still in Croatia at risk of extradiction to Monaco. The MFRR partners and several ngos ask Croatia to protect him

Country factsheet: Croatia - Article

A picture made of mixed colours and political interference: this is the landscape in Croatia under the lens of media freedom according to several monitoring tools

Insulting accusation of domestic violence - Legal Resources

By Dirk Voorhoof and Inger Høedt-Rasmussen. Published on the Strasbourg Observers, an academic blog that discusses recent developments at the level of the European Court of Human Rights. The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), delivered an interesting judgment in the case of Tölle v. Croatia about insulting allegations of domestic violence.

New wave of SLAPPs hit Croatian media and journalists - Article

The Croatian journalists’ trade union and professional associations (TUCJ and CJA) announced last week that a new wave of vexatious lawsuits (SLAPP) is threatening freedom of speech in Croatia