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Takeaway from final conference “How can gender equality and diversity promote trust in the media?” - Reports

Gender equality and diversity in the media are far from the reality, highlighted in a two-day conference organized by the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) in cooperation with its affiliate, the Andalusian Journalists Union (SPA) and the Federation of Journalists Unions (FeSP), in Malaga on 14 and 15 March. The conference is a part of a two-year project on “Trust in media” funded by the European Commission

Global Study: Gender Equality and Media Regulation - Reports

This report aims at understanding the situation regarding gender equality and its connection with freedom of expression in over 100 countries. With a focus on news media, it interrogates how media regulators worldwide have approached the mandate to promote and protect gender equality and women’s freedom of expression, whilst attending to obligations to uphold media freedom

Coalition For Women In Journalism - Stakeholders

The Coalition For Women In Journalism fosters and supports camaraderie between women journalists around the globe. We were the first to pioneer a worldwide support network for women journalists. Through our mentorship program and advocation for a safe and flourishing professional environment, we are creating spaces for women journalists where they can be nurtured, stay safe, and expand their skills. We work with no national or ethnic boundaries, and offer support to women from all backgrounds.

The Coalition launched in March 2017 as a pro-bono org.

From 2019 it operates as an NGO with the seed funding received from Craig Newmark Philanthropies.

Manifesto of Venice against gender-based violence - Campaigns

Gender based violence is among the most common human rights violations in the world. The Manifesto of Venice launched against gender-based violence lists a number of recommendations to improve gender equality in the media against every kind of violence perpetuated through verbal and visual contents.

Sexual Harassment Toolkit - Manuals

The toolkit offers guidelines for media employers and employees on dealing with and preventing sexual harassment in media organisations

Ethics in the news - EJN Report on Challenges for Journalists in the Post-truth Era - Reports

A report by the Ethical Journalism Network provides assistance to journalists facing the challenges of researching and reporting stories in the post-truth era

Attacks on the Press: Gender and Media Freedom Worldwide - Books

The 2016 edition of CPJ's focusing on gender-based threats to journalists and the media


Peace journalism handbook - Manuals

Bianet released a handbook on Peace-Journalism, proposing a professional model that is human rights-oriented, fair instead than “objective” and infused with feminist theory

Who makes the news? Global Media Monitoring Report 2015 - Reports

Since 1995, the Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) at five-year intervals, has measured the pace of change in women’s media representation and participation. In 2015, evidence from over 100 countries confirms that progress has been glacially slow

Violence and Harassment against Women in the News Media - Reports

A comprehensive picture of the dangers faced by women journalists around the world, based on a global, online survey shows that two-thirds of respondents experienced some form of intimidation, threats or abuse in relation to their work as female journalist