Infographics produced by different media outlets and research centres, focused on specific aspects related to media freedom in Europea
An infographic representing some key findings from the EBU report Trust in Media 2016
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Open internet advocates praise the new guidelines protecting net neutrality announced on August 30th, 2016, by the Body of European Regulators of Electronic Communication (BEREC)
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Parallel to the rise of right-wing populist movements that gained strong influence especially in Eastern Germany, journalists at work are attacked more and more frequently.
An infographic by Martin Hoffmann, ECPMF
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This interactive map by the Commitee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) profiles the 27 journalists and media workers killed by the Islamic State. The map dispays two layers: one showing a timeline of the attacks on the press, the other is a narrative mode highlighting the profiles of the cases. Realised by Nadia Massih/CPJ Middle East Correspondent
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Bianet Media Monitoring report highlights that in the first 3 months of 2016, in Turkey, 5 journalists have been convicted on charges of “defaming the president”, 22 others have newly been put on trial for the same charges and legal action has been taken against 53 journalists
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In the wake the commitment to guarantee the right to access information of public relevance, Access Info Europe has filed requests to 32 European countries to obtain the access to the company register database. This infographic shows the cost (in euros) for accessing each individual company record, as well as each country's entire company registers database.
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In the wake the commitment to guarantee the right to access information of public relevance, Access Info Europe has filed requests to 32 European countries to obtain the access to the company register database. This infographic shows how many working days it took for each one of the countries surveyed to answer the access to information request.
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In the wake the commitment to guarantee the right to access information of public relevance, Access Info Europe has filed requests to 32 European countries to obtain the access to the company register database. This infographic shows the results received and the reasons put forward by authorities to deny access
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The Independent Communication Network Bianet releases periodic reports on the situation of media in Turkey. For the period October - December 2015, the report provocatively invites the readers to name the title for this issue: indeed, it could be not much different from previous ones appeared in the last 5 years, as the situation is constantly worsening.
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In 2014, UNESCO launched an Infographic Competition on the topic Raising Awareness to End Impunity.This was the entry selected as the best one to represent challenges and consequences of attacks against journalists and impunity.
The infographic presents data referring to the period 2006-2013, providing detailed information about the number of journalists killed, their professional position, gender and type of media for which they were working.
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