Search for "MONTENEGRO" returned 67 matches

Montenegro: MFRR letter to authorities for threats to Olivera Lakić - Article

The Media Freedom Rapid Responses calls for urgent police protection for Olivera Lakić following assassination threats made against her

Montenegro: the new government must prioritise and uphold press and media freedom - Article

As Montenegro’s new coalition government under the leadership of Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapićwas formally approved by the Montenegrin Parliament on 4 December, the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR), the South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO) and key partners, urge it to put press and media freedom high on its agenda. The detailed report from their virtual fact-finding mission raises a number of concerns

MFRR Fast Response Mission Report: Montenegro - Reports

Media Freedom in Montenegro: Uncertain optimism or optimistic uncertainty. A report authored by European Centre for Press and Media Freedom with contributions from Renate Schroeder of European Federation of Journalists and Luka Zanoni of Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT)

Montenegro: Jovo Martinovic sentenced by the High Court to one year in prison for drug trafficking - Article

MFRR partners and media freedom organisations condemn the verdict and the entire proceedings. Beyond the violation of Martinovic’s human rights, his prosecution and conviction contribute to a chilling effect on media freedom in Montenegro 

Does Montenegro choose the European Union or jailing a top journalist? - Article

On 8 October 2020, the verdict in the retrial of the Montenegrin journalist Jovo Martinović will be pronounced. Ahead of the decision, we, the undersigned organisations, call on the High Court of Montenegro to take full account of the overwhelming evidence of the reporter’s innocence and acquit him

Montenegro: three journalists accused of spying for Serbia - Article

Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners and press and media freedom organisations raise concerns about three journalists who are accused of spying in Montenegro

Montenegro: retrial of investigative journalist Jovo Martinović - Article

The MFRR partners call on Montenegro authorities to acquit the investigative journalist and drop all charges against Martinović, a specialist in covering organised crime for leading international media, who was convicted to an 18-month prison sentence by the High Court of Montenegro, on 15 January 2019 despite overwhelming evidence that his only links with organised crime were those of a reporter. After the Appeal Court overturned the verdict, on Monday 6th July the retrial continues

Human Rights Defenders in the Western Balkans. Intimidation instead of Recognition - Reports

This landmark report by Civil Rights Defenders explores how human rights defenders face intimidation instead of recognition in the six Western Balkan states

Online Abuse Now Commonplace for Balkan Women Reporters - Reports

Reflecting the global trend, female journalists in the Balkans are more often attacked online than their male colleagues: an investigation with dozens of interviews and comments and an open platform to collect stories of attacks, harassment and threats, reports of a worrying picture where women are also left alone facing intimidation and its psychological impact

Hacks, leaks and disruptions – Russian cyber strategies - Reports

This edition of the Chaillot Papers, the monographic publication by the European Union Institute for Security Studies, is devoted to Russia’s cyber posture, some case studies of Russian cyberattacks, and EU and NATO approaches to cyber threats