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Search for "professional journalism" returned 26 matches

Whistleblowing 2021 - Reports

This report analyses the weaknesses in the protection of whistleblowers in Italy, where the transposition of the European Directive is still lacking and the issue is regulated by a law that grants a lower level of protection (Law 179/2017)

Defending Press Freedom in Times of Tension and Conflict - Reports

Annual Report by the partner organisations to the Council of Europe Platform to Promote the Protection of Journalism and Safety of Journalists

CJA's poll: at least 951 active lawsuits against journalists and media - Reports

Currently, there are at least 951 lawsuits active in Croatia against journalists and the media,  from which the prosecutors are demanding the amount of almost € 10.3 million for damages, according to the results of a survey, conducted for the fourth year in a row by the Croatian Journalists' Association

SLAPPs in Europe: How the EU can protect watchdogs from abusive lawsuits - Reports

This report is the joint submission to the European Commission public consultation on EU action against SLAPPs, strategic lawsuits against public participation

OSCE South East Europe Media Conference (SEEMC) “Journalism in times of crisis” - Reports

The two-day conference was held in a hybrid format in Tirana on 11-12 October 2021, and was co-organized by the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media (RFoM) and the OSCE Presence in Albania, with the support of other OSCE field operations in the region

The impact of strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs) on the news media sector - Reports

A collection of the findings of News Media Europe interviews with press publishers, in-house lawyers, journalists and editors-in-chief about the impact of such lawsuits on the news
media sector

Rule of Law Report 2021, targeted stakeholder consultation - Reports

The Rule of Law Report monitors significant developments, both positive and negative, relating to the rule of law in Member States. It covers four pillars: the justice system, the anti-corruption framework, media pluralism, and other institutional issues related to checks and balances

Wanted! Real action for media freedom in Europe - Reports

Annual Report 2021 by the partner organisations to the Council of Europe Platform to Promote the Protection of Journalism and Safety of Journalists

Democracy Declining: Erosion of Media Freedom in Poland - Reports

Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) press freedom mission to Poland (November-December 2020) was lead by IPI. Here the Mission Report

Unsafe for Scrutiny: Examining the pressures faced by journalists uncovering financial crime and corruption around the world - Reports

This report presents the findings of a global survey conducted in September – October 2020 among 63 in investigative journalists from 41 countries