Search public_broadcasting

Search for "public_broadcasting" returned 49 matches

Investigative Journalism for Europe #IJ4EU - Opportunities

Cross-border teams of journalists and media outlets can apply by May 3 for up to €50,000 grants to investigate issues such as corruption, financial crime, human rights abuses and environmental damage.

Uncovering Commercial Bribery - TRACE Prize 2018 - Opportunities

Third edition of the investigative reporting award to international reporters who uncover business bribery

Public Consultation on Fake News - Opportunities

The European Commission seeks views on fake news and disinformation online from citizens, journalists and legal persons from November 13th to February 23rd

Public Consultation on Public Sector Information - Opportunities

The European Commission is launching a public consultation to evaluate the implementation of the Public Sector Information (PSI) Directive

Mediterranean Journalist Awards - Opportunities

The 10th edition of the Mediterranean Journalist Awards of the Anna Lindh Foundation will reward productions tackling intercultural issues between and within Euro-Mediterranean societies

Moldova's Media at Crossroads 2017 - Opportunities

Researchers and scholars based in Moldova, in the Baltic or the Eastern Partnership regions are invited to submit brief proposals on media pluralism, media literacy and information resilience in Moldova by August 31st 

Council of Europe seeks comments on draft recommendations - Opportunities

The Council of Europe seeks comments on draft recommendations about transparency of media ownership and the role of internet intermediaries

Conference and Call for Papers "Digital intermediaries and media pluralism" - Opportunities

The conference "Digital intermediaries and media pluralism" aims at exploring the way digital intermediaries (search engines, social media, news aggregators, etc) affect media pluralism and diversity

The Resonant Voices Initiative - Opportunities

A regional hackaton to equip critical voices in the Western Balkans with the skills, know-how and resources to counter extremist propaganda, hate speech and disinformation

Summer Data Institute - Opportunities

Open Data in Europe and Central Asia (ODECA ) and the University of Tirana offer a four weeks intensive course on data journalism.