
57 results

Media Freedom and Safety of Journalists in Serbia - Reports

ARTICLE 19 published its report of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) international advocacy mission to Serbia that took place virtually from 29 January to 2 February 2021 in partnership with MFRR members and the Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (NUNS). The Center for Human Rights – American Bar Association and the South East Europe Media Organisation also joined the mission


Country & Trend Reports on Democratic Records by Civil Liberties Organisations Across the European Union

MFRR Monitoring Report II - Reports

From July to October 2020, attacks on media freedom in Europe took many forms, as the Media Freedom Rapid Response’s second monitoring report documents. Besides anti-lockdown demonstrations and online harassment, the impact of legal actions (SLAPPs) contributed to a hostile climate for journalists and media workers. Find all the details in the second MFRR-report

Democracy Declining: Erosion of Media Freedom in Poland - Reports

Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) press freedom mission to Poland (November-December 2020) was lead by IPI. Here the Mission Report

MFRR Fast Response Mission Report: Montenegro - Reports

Media Freedom in Montenegro: Uncertain optimism or optimistic uncertainty. A report authored by European Centre for Press and Media Freedom with contributions from Renate Schroeder of European Federation of Journalists and Luka Zanoni of Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT)

Unsafe for Scrutiny: Examining the pressures faced by journalists uncovering financial crime and corruption around the world - Reports

This report presents the findings of a global survey conducted in September – October 2020 among 63 in investigative journalists from 41 countries

2020 Rule of law report - Communication and country chapters - Reports

The 2020 Rule of Law Report presents a synthesis of both the rule of law situation in the EU and an assessment of the situation in each Member State

Breaking the silence. A new report on the legal measures that will give journalists back their voices - Reports

The results of a roundtable promoted by Index on Censorship to evaluate and develop a previous research about SLAPP, strategic lawsuits against public participation

Sued Into Silence: How the rich and powerful use legal tactics to shut critics up - Reports

A study about SLAPP, strategic lawsuits against public participation, that highlights the situation in Europe, with suggestions and inputs for the future

MAPPING MEDIA FREEDOM: a Four-Month Snapshot - Reports

Overview and data analysis of the monitoring activity of the Media Freedom Rapid Response from March to June 2020