Search open_data

Search for "open_data" returned 84 matches

The Platform Press: how Silicon Valley reengineered journalism - Reports

A report on the influence of social media platforms and technology companies on American journalism highlights the clashes and trade-offs between growth, autonomy, and quality for the profession worldwide

Online platforms (Eurobarometer) - Surveys

An opinion survey published in June 2016 explores the use of online platforms within the EU, focusing especially on search engines, online social networks and online marketplaces

Consolidating Control - The Fox/Sky merger and news plurality in the UK - Reports

A timely analysis by the UK Media Reform Coalition highlights the consequences of a potential incorporation of Sky Plc. into 21st Century Fox and the implications this would have on the news plurality landscape in the United Kingdom

Mediapedia: Media Ownership in Macedonia - Monitoring tool

A database of media ownership in Macedonia tracing back the ownership structure to individuals, firms and their links with politics and business

Reporters Without Borders - Press Freedom Index - Indexes

Published every year since 2002 by Reporters Without Borders (RWB), the World Press Freedom Index ranks 180 countries according to the level of freedom available to journalists

Media Ownership Monitor - Reporters without Borders - Monitoring tool

The Media Ownership Monitor is a global research and advocacy initiative launched by Reporter Without Borders to increase transparency about media ownership

Protecting Journalism Sources in the Digital Age - Reports

This study, which covers 121 UNESCO Member States, represents a global benchmarking of journalistic source protection in the Digital Age

The Expression Agenda - Report 2016/2017 - Reports

Article 19 has joined the social science database V-Dem to launch a unique, authoritative assessment of freedom of expression and information worldwide

Bulgaria - Media Pluralism Monitor 2016 - Reports

The MPM 2016 report on Bulgaria shows a mixed performance, with the highest concerns related to the areas of 'market plurality' and 'political independence'

Latvia - Media Pluralism Monitor 2016 - Reports

A report by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF) on risks for media pluralism in Latvia, with policy recommendations