Search war_reporting

Search for "war_reporting" returned 5 matches

#Tracker_19 - Monitoring tool

A tool by Reporters Without Borders to monitor and evaluate the pandemic’s impacts on journalism

Mè - Monitoring tool

Mè is an online platform that detect media bias and media freedom violations in the Catalan countries

Monitoring Media Pluralism in Europe: Application of the Media Pluralism Monitor 2016 in the European Union, Montenegro and Turkey - Monitoring tool

The 2016 report by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom raises significant concern for media pluralism in the 28 European Union member states under examination and in two candidate states, Montenegro and Turkey

Turkey Blocks - Monitoring tool

Turkey Blocks is a realtime feed of live data on large-scale blocking, throttling and internet shutdown incidents: Turkey's digital censorship observatory

Index of Censorship - Mapping media freedom - Monitoring tool

Journalists and media workers are confronting relentless pressure simply for doing their job. Mapping Media Freedom identifies threats, violations and limitations faced by members of the press throughout European Union member states, candidates for entry and neighbouring countries