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Search for "digital_safety" returned 34 matches

IPI's "Digital Censorship: Turkey’s New Social Media Law and Its Implications for Free Media" (Aug 31, 2020) - HTML5 video

The IPI Turkish National Committee hosted the English-language webinar “Digital Censorship: Turkey’s New Social Media Law and Its Implications for Free Media” following the passage of Turkey’s controversial new social media regulations in July which dramatically expands government control over free expression on social media and online platforms

IJF18: Going digital. A roadmap for digital transformation - HTML5 video

Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism’s senior research fellows Lucy Kueng and David Levy dig into the main findings of the report “Going Digital. A roadmap for organisational transformation” at the 2018 International Journalism Festival with Renée Kaplan, head of digital editorial development at the Financial Times, and Inga Thordar, executive director at CNN Digital Worldwide.

IJF19: Fast & slow: the place of investigative journalism in a digital world - HTML5 video

A panel about long-form investigative journalism and digital storytelling.

IJF19: Technology and automation in the fight against misinformation - HTML5 video

Numerous developments and initiatives that aim to counter the spread of false information with the aid of technology have emerged.

What is Data Exploitation? - HTML5 video

A short video by Privacy International explaining the risks of data exploitation and what we need to do about it.

CPDP 2019: Democracy distrupted? - HTML5 video

In the election year for the European Parliament a debate is needed on the interplay between data protection, media and electoral rules, and on how regulators should act to ensure fair electoral processes in the digital age. A panel discussion held at the CPDP Data protection and Democracy 2019

CPDP 2019: Disinformation and online advertising: do we need to rethink the Internet’s business model? - HTML5 video

Which are the causes, drivers, and scope of the problem of disinformation? What role does targeted advertising play in the spread of disinformation online? What role does legislation, policy, or other initiatives have in thwarting its spread?

Newsrooms of the world unite! Finding a global solution to misinformation - HTML5 video

Trust in media and the fight against misinformation cannot be solved within one region alone, or just by journalists alone. It is a global problem that requires a global solution. A discussion at the International Journalism Festival in Perugia, April 2018

Beyond 'Fake News': Tackling the Disinformation Ecosystem in Europe - HTML5 video

A panel discussion about the disinformation ecosystem in times of elections in Europe and how to collaboratively tackle this challenge. The panel took place during the 2017 edition of the re:publica festival in Berlin

Protect Your Devices From Hackers – Don't Get '0wned' - HTML5 video

This short video is a guide on how to protect yourself from malicious attacks online