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Search for "public_broadcasting" returned 148 matches

Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation - Academic Sources

"A weapon to intimidate people who are exercising their constitutional rights, restrain public interest in advocacy and activism; and convert matters of public interest into technical private law disputes”

Albania: new cases of SLAPP to silence reporters - Article

Strategic lawsuits are used to intimidate journalists, and ECPMF condemns the recent lawsuits filed in Albania by private companies

MFRR Fast Response Mission Report: Montenegro - Reports

Media Freedom in Montenegro: Uncertain optimism or optimistic uncertainty. A report authored by European Centre for Press and Media Freedom with contributions from Renate Schroeder of European Federation of Journalists and Luka Zanoni of Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT)

SLAPP: a directive drafted by civil society organizations - Article

The international anti-SLAPP coalition invested time and funds to draft a model directive that would help tackle the issue of vexatious lawsuits: now this paper will be presented to EU institutions and stakeholders, and could serve as a pattern for the promised EU initiatives against SLAPPs

European Democracy Action Plan - Legal Resources

This action plan addresses the EU institutions, national governments and parliaments, as well as other national authorities, political parties, media and civil society, and online platforms. It sets out a reinforced EU policy framework and specific measures to promote free and fair elections and strong democratic participation; support free and independent media; counter disinformation

A History Of Using SLAPP Suits To Silence Women - Article

Published more than 2 years ago, this overview of the case-law by Bhawana Bisht examines the abuse of the law as a tool to silence women

EP Resolution: Strengthening Media Freedom: the Protection of Journalists in Europe, Hate Speech, Disinformation and the Role of Platforms - Legal Resources

European Parliament resolution of 25 November 2020 on strengthening media freedom: the protection of journalists in Europe, hate speech, disinformation and the role of platforms (2020/2009(INI)). On 25 November 2020 the European Parliament adopted a very important resolution tackling many aspects of media freedom

Time to take action against SLAPPs - Article

Dunja Mijatović, Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, signs a comment about strategic lawsuits against public participation, calling them "a significant and growing threat to the right to freedom of expression"

A mission to inform. Journalists at risk speak out - Books

This book, dedicated "to Daphne Caruana Galizia and all journalists who have lost their lives in the exercise of their profession", is based on in-depth interviews with 20 journalists from 18 different countries and exemplifies forms of interference with press freedom already identified in the 2017 study, as well as journalists’ perceptions and the strategies they employ to go on with their work

Slovenia: OBCT joins IPI's statement condemning brazen use of SLAPP - Article

We believe it is abundantly clear that the number and nature of the spurious defamation lawsuits against Necenzurirano are not aimed at achieving justice, but instead at silencing the outlet by forcing its journalists to fight time-consuming and costly legal battles, draining them financially and discouraging them from further reporting