
195 results

Slovenia: OBCT joins IPI's statement condemning brazen use of SLAPP - Article

We believe it is abundantly clear that the number and nature of the spurious defamation lawsuits against Necenzurirano are not aimed at achieving justice, but instead at silencing the outlet by forcing its journalists to fight time-consuming and costly legal battles, draining them financially and discouraging them from further reporting

2020 Rule of law report - Communication and country chapters - Reports

The 2020 Rule of Law Report presents a synthesis of both the rule of law situation in the EU and an assessment of the situation in each Member State

MFRR condemns the escalating judicial harassment of Can Dündar by Turkey - Article

The journalist Can Dündar, who lives in exile in Germany, is the victim of a judicial harassment that has to be stopped. The latest threat concerns all his properties if he doesn't go back to Turkey

Breaking the silence. A new report on the legal measures that will give journalists back their voices - Reports

The results of a roundtable promoted by Index on Censorship to evaluate and develop a previous research about SLAPP, strategic lawsuits against public participation

Invitation to participate in our online survey - Article

The safety of journalists is at risk in too many countries, and protection systems are facing new challenges. OBCT invites journalists, media outlets and stakeholders to answer to relevant questions in order to outline the problems and the possible solutions. If you have experienced threats and have asked for help, please, access our questionnaires

Romania: Judicial Intimidation Targeting the Romanian Union of Journalists and Daily Newspaper "Libertatea" - Article

Romanian Union of Journalists and daily newspaper Libertatea have been targeted with SLAPP action by rival TV station

SLAPP: an analysis by Flutura Kusari and Nik Williams - Article

An op-ed published by openDemocracy about strategic lawsuits that threaten freedom of expression. The two authors, working for ECPMF and for the Media Freedom Rapid Response, remind of the need of a strong action at European level

SLAPP: a new engagement by the EU Commission DG Justice - Article

The Directorate-General Justice and Consumers of the EU Commission answers the letter sent by ECPMF and co-signed by OBCT and dozens of organisations: the committment to develop new rules to protect journalists and activists from strategic lawsuits is now a written promise. Here some text of the answer signed by Marie-Helene BOULANGER, Head of Unit

SLAPP: an op-ed by Jessica Ní Mhainín on Euractiv - Article

The Senior Policy Research and Advocacy Officer at Index on Censorship gives an updated overview about strategic lawsuits against public participation and the present need to have an anti-SLAPP legislation at EU level

The key pillars to fight disinformation. A speech by Vera Jourová - Article

On July 7 the Vice-President of the European Commission held a speech at the European Media Conference "Diversity and Responsibility: Media in a Digital Society" organized by the German Federal Government to encourage debate on the issue of safeguarding media pluralism in Europe